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Questions and Answers Table of Contents

Where can I find basic information on small business awards?
How do I apply for a small business award?

What constitutes a small business?

Can a foreign business own an SBIR-funded company?
Should I apply for a small business award if my goal is to patent a product?
Is it easier to get a small business award than an R01?
How important is research design in a small business award application?
What's the difference between an SBIR and an STTR?
Can I apply for more than the normal award amount?
Do I own the intellectual property from my STTR award?
Do I need to protect my intellectual property in the grant application?
After I have filed a provisional patent, how long do I have to file a patent application?
Does NIH often use its march-in rights to take away intellectual property?
How much of my small business research project may I outsource?
Even though the normal Phase I for STTR is six months, can I ask for 12 months of funding?
What is a Fast Track proposal?
Does Fast Track save a lot of time?
How do I apply for an advanced technology SBIR award?
Can NIAID fund advanced technology SBIR applications for $1 million a year?
Are reviewers more likely to find problems with bigger applications?
Is it generally better to go for a more complex award, such as an advanced technology award?
Can I submit multiple SBIR applications for the same product?
Can I submit an unsolicited SBIR application?
Can my small business application include a clinical trial?
What is the most common reason a small business fails to get an award?
Can I renew my phase II SBIR award?
Can I change my SBIR award to an STTR?
Can small business award funds be spent on research in a foreign country?
Can I use small business award funding to help support the collection of samples from a foreign country?
Can I use small business award funding to analyze patient-derived samples collected in a foreign country?
Are there other funding opportunities besides SBIR for commercializing innovations?
How do I submit a final report for my phase I small business award?
What if my question wasn't answered here, or I'd like to suggest a question?

Where can I find basic information on small business awards?

Find basic information on small business awards at our Small Business Awards page, which includes Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR, and our Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Grants SOP.

How do I apply for a small business award?

NIH does not accept printed applications that use the PHS 398 form for small business awards. Instead, submit your SBIR or STTR application through by scrolling down the SBIR funding opportunity announcement or the STTR funding opportunity announcement and selecting the button that says "Apply for Grants Electronically." Remember to read the full announcement and before beginning your application. Find more advice in the NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal and Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

What constitutes a small business?

A small business is independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field. It has no more than 500 employees and it controls the facilities in which it conducts a major part of NIH-supported research. See the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

Can a foreign business own an SBIR-funded company?

No. According to the Omnibus Solicitation for SBIR/STTR Grant Applications, a company or subsidiary must have majority ownership by U.S. citizens and a principal place of business in the U.S. It must also conduct all grant-funded research in the U.S.

Should I apply for a small business award if my goal is to patent a product?

Yes. You can pay for patent costs out of a fee that you request for your Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer grant, but you cannot pay directly from grant funds.

Is it easier to get a small business award than an R01?


How important is research design in a small business award application?

Very important. Reviewers will give the Research Design and Methods section of your small business application the most weight when evaluating your proposal. Read more information in the Grantsmanship module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

What's the difference between an SBIR and an STTR?

A Small Business Innovation Research grant requires that a principal investigator is employed primarily by a small business. A Small Business Technology Transfer grant doesn't make that demand, but it does require that the grantee collaborate with a university or other nonprofit research institution. For more differences, see the SBIR and STTR Comparison Chart and the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

Can I apply for more than the normal award amount?

Yes, but NIAID will not fund a phase I proposal for more than $300,000 a year for up to two years. NIAID will not fund a phase II proposal for more than $1 million a year for up to two years or three years for phase II advanced technology.

Do I own the intellectual property from my STTR award?

In general, grantees own the rights to data and inventions resulting from any grant-supported project. See the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR for more information on how to handle intellectual property issues for STTR awards.

Do I need to protect my intellectual property in the grant application?

We strongly recommend that you acquire at least a provisional patent before you apply. See the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR. Also read the NIH Grants Policy Statement (12/03) for more information on intellectual property rights.

After I have filed a provisional patent, how long do I have to file a patent application?

You have one year to file a patent application. Read more about provisional patents on the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

Does NIH often use its march-in rights to take away intellectual property?

No. NIH may use march-in rights only if an awardee fails to achieve practical application of an invention. Furthermore, NIH has never exercised this right because of the lengthy administrative process. For more information, see Appendix D of the June 4, 1998, Report of the NIH Working Group on Research Tools.

How much of my small business research project may I outsource?

You may outsource up to 33 percent of your project for a phase I SBIR award or 50 percent for a phase II SBIR. For an STTR award, you may outsource no more than 60 percent of your project.

While you may have some leeway with this requirement in an SBIR grant, the maximum outsource level for STTR grants is not negotiable.

Even though the normal phase I for STTRs is six months, can I ask for 12 months of funding?

You can, and we recommend that you do so. See the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

What is a Fast Track proposal?

The SBIR Fast Track process requires phase I and phase II proposals in the initial application. In contrast, a normal SBIR application includes only a phase I proposal, and an applicant sends a phase II proposal only if a phase I award is made. We do not recommend applying for a Fast Track award. See the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR for an explanation.

Does Fast Track save a lot of time?

Because a Fast Track proposal contains both phases I and II, people often think it saves a lot of time. However, a Fast Track proposal typically requires four times more work than a phase I application. For more information, view the Basics module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

How do I apply for an advanced technology SBIR award?

See the Research Objectives section of the SBIR funding opportunity announcement for instructions on how to apply for the SBIR-AT-NIAID award.

Can NIAID fund advanced technology SBIR applications for $1 million a year?

NIAID will consider SBIR advanced technology NIAID phase II applications for up to three years at up to $1 million a year. See the STTR-AT-NIAID program announcement.

Are reviewers more likely to find problems with bigger applications?

The more you expand your application, the more likely you are to say something to which reviewers object. Your best strategy is to limit your phase I goals to those necessary to support your phase II application. For more advice, see the Grantsmanship module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR.

Is it generally better to go for a more complex award, such as an advanced technology award?

There appears to be no difference in the success rates of applications submitted within normal guidelines and those requesting more time or more funds.

Can I submit multiple SBIR applications for the same product?

Yes. See the Grantsmanship module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR for an example.

Can I submit an unsolicited SBIR application?

No. You can apply for an SBIR award only in response to the NIH Omnibus Solicitation or to an NIAID solicitation for program announcements or requests for applications. See High-Priority Topics: Concepts and Initiatives questions and answers.

Can my small business application include a clinical trial?

No. You must submit an application for an Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34) for the clinical trial. See our Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Planning and Implementation Grants questions and answers. Read How does the R34 process apply to SBIR and STTR applicants?

You can apply for small business funding for the nonclinical trial parts of your research. If your small business award includes a clinical trial and is eligible for funding, we will remove the clinical trial part, reduce your budget, and bar you from spending funds on a clinical trial.

What is the most common reason a small business fails to get an award?

For applications that do score within the fundable range, the most common reason for failing to get an award is not meeting just-in-time requirements. The Timeline module of Narrated Advice Presentations for SBIR and STTR lists common reasons that a small business application does not receive a score within the fundable range.

Can I renew a phase II SBIR award?

NIAID accepts applications for phase II renewal SBIR or STTR awards for projects that have made significant progress along the critical path to FDA approval. Phase II renewal applications may request a maximum of $1 million a year for up to three years.

In your renewal application, respond to the additional review criteria listed in the Application Review Information section of NIH's SBIR-STTR Omnibus Solicitation.

We allow some flexibility in the SBIR 50 percent cap on consultant and contractual costs if you justify the expenditure. There is no flexibility in the STTR 60 percent cap on consultant and contractual costs.

Can I change my SBIR award to an STTR?

No. Once we award a phase I small business award, you cannot switch between SBIR and STTR mechanisms.

Can small business award funds be spent on research in a foreign country?

No. Although funds can be spent directly, in your application you can request and justify a "fee" of up to 7 percent of your total grant. The fee belongs to the company, so you may use it to pay for costs outside the U.S.

Can I use small business award funding to help support the collection of samples from a foreign country?

You may not spend any STTR funds outside the U.S. unless you receive approval from the NIH Small Business Office. Obtaining this approval is usually a lengthy and unsuccessful process, so we don't recommend it.

Another option is to request a fee as stated in the question above.

Can I use small business award funding to analyze patient-derived samples collected in a foreign country?

You may use STTR funding to analyze samples from a foreign country, but the analysis must be performed in the U.S.

Are there other funding opportunities besides SBIR for commercializing innovations?

Search the NIH Funding Opportunities Relevant to NIAID and contact other institutes. Note that you will face strong competition with funding opportunities that are open to large companies and academic investigators.

How do I submit a final report for my phase I small business award?

See Section VI of the PHS 2590 Instructions and Section 5.4 of SBIR/STTR Application Guide SF 424 (R&R).

What if my question wasn't answered here, or I'd like to suggest a question?

Email with the title of this page or its URL and your question or comment. We answer questions by email and post them here. Thanks for helping us clarify and expand our knowledge base.

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