January 12, 2009
Tool to Predict Colorectal Cancer Risk
A new tool for calculating colorectal cancer risk for people
age 50 or older recently came online. It will help health care
providers and their patients make informed choices about when
and how to screen for colorectal cancer.
Brain Stimulation Curbs Parkinson Symptoms
Scientists reported that a therapy for treating Parkinson’s disease
called deep brain stimulation improved quality of life and gave
patients more daily hours without troubling movement symptoms
than standard medical care.
Cells Are Out of Sight
A new study sheds light on how a particular kind of cell in the
eye—crucial for light-related functions other than seeing—detects
light and communicates with the brain. A better understanding
of these cells may eventually lead to treatments for sleep problems
or seasonal depression.
Research Matters 2008 Recap
has nearly 6,000 NIH staff scientists and supports more than
325,000 researchers with competitive grants to all 50 states,
the territories and more than 90 countries around the world.
Here's just a small sampling of the accomplishments made by NIH-supported
scientists in 2008.
December 15, 2008
Supplements Fail to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Two large-scale clinical trials found that regular intake of
vitamin E, vitamin C or selenium does not reduce the risk of
prostate cancer or other cancers in older men, as some previous
studies had suggested.
Helps Detect Cancer Cells in Mice
A new imaging compound helps researchers visualize viable breast
cancer cells that have spread to the lungs of mice. Similar compounds
may one day help doctors monitor their patient’s tumors and even
aid in tumor removal.
Genetic Target for Sickle Cell Disease Therapy
Researchers have identified a gene involved in the inherited
blood disorders sickle cell disease and thalassemia. The discovery
identifies a potential new target for therapies that could dramatically
alter the course of the disorders.
December 8, 2008
Activity Can Predict Survival Rates of Patients with Lymphoma
A new study shows that gene activity can be used to predict survival
rates of people with a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma called
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The method can potentially be
used to guide treatment and to help develop future therapies.
Microbiomes Differ Between Obese and Lean People
A new study has found that obese and lean twins have clear differences
in their gut microbial communities. The finding points the way
for future research into the roles that gut microbes may play
in obesity and other health conditions.
Drug Destroys TB Bacteria From Within
Scientists have discovered how an experimental drug unleashes
its destructive force inside the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.
The finding could help scientists develop new approaches for
combating dormant infections, which are especially difficult
to treat.
November 24, 2008
Protein Helps Assess Cardiovascular Risks
Three new studies provide the strongest evidence to date that
a simple blood test for a molecule called C-reactive protein
could help clinicians better identify and treat people who are
at risk for cardiovascular disease.
Study Fails To Find Benefit in Preventing Dementia
The dietary supplement Ginkgo biloba was found to be
ineffective in reducing the development of dementia and Alzheimer's
disease in older people, according to a new study.
Compound May Help Predict Alzheimer’s Disease
A new brain imaging study has found that elderly people can develop
a key hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease in the brain without any
evidence of cognitive impairment. The researchers hope that their
detection method will one day help predict who will develop Alzheimer’s
disease in 5 to 10 years.
November 10, 2008
Jaundice Treatment Decreases Brain Injury in Preemies
A new study has found that early treatment to prevent severe
jaundice in extremely early preterm infants can reduce the rate
of brain injury, a serious complication of jaundice.
Treatment Improves Outcomes for Opioid-Addicted Youth
Young adults addicted to opioids were more successful at remaining
drug-free when they received longer treatment with a medication
than those who received the same treatment for only 2 weeks.
with Egg Allergies May Tolerate Heated Egg
A new study has found that the majority of children with egg
allergy may be able to eat some baked foods containing egg. The
early results also raise the possibility that the gradual introduction
of extensively heated egg may help alleviate some children’s
allergy to regular egg.