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VA National Clinical Public Health Programs — HIV/AIDS

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Clinical Trials

What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial is a research program that tests a new medicine to see if it is safe and works well. When a new medicine (or drug) is first discovered, you cannot get it by prescription. Researchers must first test it in a laboratory with animals. Then, they must do a clinical trial in a hospital or clinic to test it in people. They test it to see if it is safe and to see how much of the medicine (or what dose) is enough to work.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ( is a government agency that decides if a new drug is safe enough to give to patients by prescription. It looks at the results of the clinical trials to make this decision. Testing drugs for HIV is very important, and clinical trials are a way to find new and better medicines. All medicines that you can now get for HIV were first tested in clinical trials.

How do clinical trials work?

Clinical trials follow a set of rules called a protocol. The protocol says who can participate, how long the study is, and which tests need to be done.

Clinical trials are managed by doctors and are usually run by nurses or other health care professionals. The clinical trial staff will follow your progress closely and can help tell your regular doctor what is happening with your treatment.

Trials are also checked by an institutional review board (IRB). This is a group of people who reviews the clinical trial regularly to protect your rights, safety, and well-being.

When you are in a clinical trial, you may need to see the doctor more often and sometimes stay overnight in the hospital. This is because they want to check the effects of the medicine carefully. Because clinical trials are research, they will often test the real drug against a placebo (or sugar pill). Usually you will not know if you are taking the medicine or the placebo until the clinical trial is over.

How do I begin a clinical trial?

Before you start a clinical trial, you will go through a screening process. This is to make sure that it is safe for you to start taking the medicine. The staff will ask you about your health history, and you may have a blood test, urine test, or others (such as a physical exam or a heart test).

What is informed consent?

You will also go through a process called informed consent. The doctors and nurses will explain exactly what will happen during the clinical trial. They will answer your questions and tell you about the risks and benefits of the clinical trial. They will ask you to sign a document called a consent form. When you sign this form, you are saying that you understand what is going to happen and that you agree to participate. Even after you have started a clinical trial, you are free to quit at any time for any reason. Quitting early will not affect your medical care in the future.

Does it cost anything to participate?

No. It will not cost you anything because you are helping the researchers to test a new medicine. Sometimes you may even get extra money to pay for your time or travel.

How long do clinical trials last?

Clinical trials can last from a few weeks to several months. After the treatment is over, they will usually ask you to come back for some follow-up visits. The follow-up period may be as short as a few weeks or as long as six months and helps to make sure that you are safe.

What are the different types of clinical trials?

There are four different types of clinical trials: Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV.

Phase I

  • is the first time they have tried the drug in people
  • tests for the drug's safety and helps find the right dose
  • may ask for frequent tests or a stay in the hospital to check for safety and effectiveness
  • lasts a fairly short time
  • has a small number of patient volunteers

Phase II

  • happens when early studies show that the drug may work well to fight HIV
  • tests for safety and effective dose level
  • lasts longer than Phase I trials
  • tries to find out what kind of side effects you get with this medicine
  • has several hundred patients

Phase III

  • happens if the drug worked well in Phase I and II
  • compares standard treatments (medicines that you can already get by prescription) or sugar pills (placebos) with the new medicine
  • may last longer than Phases I and II
  • looks for ways to reduce the side effects and improve the quality of your life while you are taking the medicine
  • is the last phase of study before a drug is sent to the FDA
  • has many patients (sometimes thousands)

Phase IV

  • happens when the drug is already available by prescription
  • happens less often than other phases
  • checks other safety issues and long-term side effects
  • may be used to check higher or lower amounts (or doses) of the medicine

How long does the FDA take to approve a medication?

It usually takes about 10 years for a drug to be developed and approved for prescription. Many people would like to take the newest medicine as soon as it is proven to work. However, even after a drug has been successful in a Phase III trial, it still may take six to 12 months before that drug is approved for prescription.

Who pays for clinical trials?

Trials are paid for by government agencies, pharmaceutical (or drug) companies, individual doctors and hospitals, or clinics. The doctors and nurses will tell you who is paying for the study before you begin a trial.

Who can join a clinical trial?

Often, people want to join a clinical trial because their treatment isn't working. Not everyone can join a trial, though. Most clinical trials have eligibility criteria. These are rules about who can participate, based on health, age, and maybe other things. For example, some trials take only people who have a particular viral load or CD4 count. Usually, you can't participate in a clinical trial if you have any infections or are using medicines that might make it hard to measure how well the test treatment is working. You also cannot participate if the test treatment might harm you.

If you do qualify for a trial and decide to participate, you should be willing to follow the guidelines of the study.

What are the benefits and risks?

Before you start a clinical trial, you should think about the positive and negative things that may happen. In addition, keep a list of questions to ask before joining a trial. (


  • You may get frequent free checkups from specialists.
  • You can get free medicine.
  • You can get new medicine that is not yet available from your regular doctor and may work better than the old medicine.
  • You may learn a lot about your condition and how to take care of yourself.
  • You may help medical researchers to find better treatments for all patients with HIV.


  • You may have side effects from the medicine that you did not expect.
  • You may have to have frequent office visits, blood tests, and other medical exams.
  • You may not get better from the treatment.

Questions to Ask before Joining a Clinical Trial

  • Why are they doing the study in the first place?
  • How long will it last, and where is it taking place?
  • What will I have to pay for?
  • Will I be able to continue taking the test drug after the trial is over? Who will pay for it?
  • Will I have to stop any drugs or other treatments I am now using?


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