NIH Enterprise Architecture Home


Because enterprise architecture is about more than technology, the NIH enterprise architecture program has many information technology (IT)-focused and mission-focused stakeholders. 

Stakeholders who are directly involved in the ongoing management and governance of the NIH enterprise architecture program represent the core “NIH Enterprise Architecture Team". This team is comprised of the Office of the Chief IT Architect (OCITA) and the various governing bodies responsible for making enterprise architecture-related decisions.

Consumers of the NIH Enterprise Architecture consist of:

  • Stakeholders who use the NIH Enterprise Architecture to help design IT solutions;
  • Stakeholders who determine products to purchase; and
  • Stakeholders who have a professional interest in the NIH Enterprise Architecture.

Consumers of the NIH Enterprise Architecture

NIH Acquisition / Procurement Professionals.  NIH Acquisition / Procurement Professionals are responsible for ensuring that procurement requests align with the NIH Enterprise Architecture standards. In instances where a procurement request does not align, the procurement staff must ensure the appropriate waiver, or exception approvals, accompany the purchase request.

NIH Technologists (to include contractors).  IT staff (NIH and non-NIH) are responsible for ensuring their IT solutions comply with the NIH Enterprise Architecture standards. In situations where a standard does not meet their specific requirements, the technologists are responsible for executing the exception process to obtain the appropriate approvals for using a nonstandard technology or approach in their IT solutions.

The Vendor Community.  Members of the vendor community are key consumers of the NIH Enterprise Architecture with professional interests. They reference the NIH Enterprise Architecture to understand if and how their products and solutions align with NIH’s technical environment. They also reference the NIH Enterprise Architecture to ensure their proposals align with NIH’s enterprise architecture requirements.

Last Updated: March 22, 2006