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As the directing and coordinating authority on international health, the World Health Organization (WHO) takes the lead within the UN system in the global health sector response to HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS Department provides evidence-based, technical support to WHO Member States to help them scale up treatment, care and prevention services as well as drugs and diagnostics supply to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable response to HIV/AIDS.

:: More information about WHO and HIV/AIDS
:: Q&A on HIV/AIDS

Special feature: Priority interventions
HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care in the health sector
The definitive 'one-stop shop' designed to help countries, donors and other stakeholders expand and improve their response to one of the greatest health-care challenges of our time.

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What's new

3-7 December 2008
The 15th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2008), took place in Dakar, Senegal.
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1 December 2008
World AIDS Day: Featuring a message from WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan and an interview with 2008 Nobel laureate in Medicine Dr Françoise Barré-Sinoussi.
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1 December 2008
UNICEF and its partners - including WHO - launch the Children and AIDS: third stocktaking report.
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26 November 2008
Press release: Universal voluntary testing, immediate treatment can reduce HIV cases.
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24 October 2008
AIDS and equality in health: WHO Director General Margaret Chan address to the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.
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19 September 2008
WHO and the World Food Programme have released the draft version of Integrating nutrition and food assistance into HIV care and treatment programmes for review and comments.
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:: Archived news on WHO HIV/AIDS

Stories of people living with AIDS

Towards universal access by 2010
The HIV department released five photo stories "Towards universal access by 2010: African experiences". Each story presents a piece of reality of how patients, health workers, and decision-makers in countries are tackling some of the outstanding priorities in HIV/AIDS.
Launch photo stories

These stories bring to life many challenges that exist within health sectors in countries and which will need to be addressed as the international community moves towards universal access to HIV services by 2010.


CROI 2009
The 16th Conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections will be held in Montreal, Canada on 8-11 February 2009.
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AIDS 2008 Mexico
AIDS 2008 Mexico
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Priority interventions
HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care in the health sector
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English [pdf 1.97Mb]
French [pdf 2.21Mb]

Progress Report 2008
Towards universal access
Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector
Progress Report, June 2008
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English [pdf 6.69Mb]
French [pdf 7.25Mb]

Tuberculosis care with TB-HIV co-management
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Guidance on provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling in health facilities
English [pdf 2.8Mb]
French [pdf 1.2Mb]

UNAIDS/WHO AIDS Epidemic Update 2007
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