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Percent change in per capita alcohol consumption, United States, 1977–2005.

Year Beer Wine Spirits All beverages
2005 92.3 124.1 66.0 84.9
2004 93.8 120.7 64.2 84.5
2003 94.6 117.2 63.2 84.1
2002 95.4 113.8 61.3 83.3
2001 95.4 106.9 60.4 82.6
2000 94.6 106.9 61.3 82.6
1999 95.3 106.9 59.4 81.8
1998 94.6 103.4 58.5 81.1
1997 94.6 103.4 58.5 81.1
1996 95.3 103.4 59.4 81.8
1995 95.3 100.0 59.4 81.4
1994 96.9 96.6 61.3 82.6
1993 97.7 96.6 64.2 84.5
1992 100.0 103.4 67.0 87.1
1991 100.0 103.4 67.0 87.1
1990 103.9 113.8 72.6 92.8
1989 101.6 117.2 72.6 91.7
1988 103.1 124.1 74.5 93.9
1987 103.9 131.0 77.4 96.2
1986 103.9 134.5 79.2 97.7
1985 103.1 131.0 84.9 99.2
1984 104.7 127.6 88.7 100.4
1983 106.2 124.1 90.6 101.9
1982 107.0 124.1 92.5 103.0
1981 107.8 120.7 96.2 104.5
1980 107.0 117.2 98.1 104.5
1979 106.2 110.3 100.0 104.2
1978 103.1 106.9 100.9 102.7
1977 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

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