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LIN - Section of Synaptic Pharmacology (SP)


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David M. Lovinger, PhD, Section Chief

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

National Institutes of Health

5625 Fishers Lane, Room 2N09

Rockville MD 20852-9411

telephone: +1 301 402 3519

fax: +1 301 480 1952




Mission Statement


  • Conducts studies aimed at determining the cellular and molecular mechanisms  involved in synaptic transmission;    
  • Examines effect of alcohol and other drugs of abuse on synaptic transmission; and   
  • Determines the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects.



Current staff


Roberta Greif; Administrative Lab Manager;

Elizabeth Kirby; Secretary;

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Janel Boyce-Rustay, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow

Current projects: Understanding the ability of chronic uncontrollable stress alter sensitivity to the intoxicating effects of ethanol and the propensity to voluntary consume ethanol. Delineating the relative roles of NMDA receptor subunits in mediating the functional properties of ethanol. Assessing the role of moniamine transporter function in modulating the beharioral effects of ethanol.

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Alicia Izquierdo, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow

Current projects: Development and validation of novel methods for evaluating cognitive and reward-related behaviors, such as cognitive flexibilitya nd impulse control, in mice. Assessing the effects of acute stress on behavioral functions mediated by the prefrontal cortex, including extinction of fear momories. Elucidating the role of dopamine receptor subtypes in mediating fear extinction.

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Rebecca Yang, BA
Technical IRTA fellow

Current projects: Identifying genetic factors underlying emotion-related behaviors via comparison of C57BL/6J x DBA/2J recombinant inbred strains of mice divergent in amygdala neuroanatomy. Supporting the development of novel models of assessing murine cognitive functions.


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Kathryn Hefner, BA
Post-baccalaureate fellow

Current projects: Assessing changes in sensitivity to the behavioral effects of ethanol across adolescence into adulthood. Identifying genetic factors contributing to affect regulation via comparison of genetically-distinct inbred trains of mice.


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Rose-Marie Karlsson, BSc
Member of Laboratory of Clinical and Translational Studies (Chief: Markus Heilig)
Karolinska Institute-NIAAA graduate program

Current projects: Delineating the functional roles of neuropeptide Y receptor subtypes in mediating mood and behavioral responses to ethanol in mice. Studying the role of metabotropic glutamate receptors and glutamate transporters in the modulation of emotion and addiction.


Section Alumni

Rachel Millstein, BA, presently with Johns-Hopkins University.






Dr. Timothy J. Bussey and Dr. Lisa M. Saksida, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge; Weblink


Dr. Heather Cameron, Unit on Neuroplasticity, NIMH; Weblink


Dr. Lynette C. Daws, Department of Physiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center; Weblink



Selected Recent Publications


Gerdeman, G. and Lovinger, D.M. Postsynaptic endocannabinoid release is necessary for long-term depression in the striatum. Nature Neuroscience 2002;5:446-451.

Lovinger DM. NMDA receptors lose their inhibitions. Nat Neurosci 2002;5:614-6.  

Partridge, J. and Lovinger, D.M. Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Interact with Dopamine in Induction of Striatal Long-Term Depression. J Neurosci 2002;22:2541-2549.

Stocca, G. and Lovinger, D.M. PKC and adenosine modulation of presynaptic calcium transients at hippocampal synapses Hippocampus 2002, in press.

Woo, N.-S., Delpire, E., Lue, J., England, R., McClellan, R., Dufour, S., Deutch, A.Y. and Lovinger, D.M. Hyper-excitability and epilepsy associated with disruption of the mouse neuronal-specific K-Cl cotransporter gene. Hippocampus 2002;12:258-268.

Lovinger DM, Sung KW, Zhou Q. Ethanol and trichloroethanol alter gating of 5-HT3 receptor-channels in NCB-20 neuroblastoma cells. Neuropharmacology 2000;39:561-70.    pdf

Lovinger DM. 5-HT3 receptors and the neural actions of alcohols: an increasingly exciting topic. Neurochem Int 1999;35:125-30. Review.    pdf

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Last Updated:  July 2006

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