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Item NameSubject
3rd World Congress on Men's Health, Oct 24-26, 2003, Vienna, Austria   I:

Non-Federal Website. Urology :  
AcademyHealth   I:

Non-Federal Website: AcademyHealth convenes national scientific and health policy conferences; helps public and private policymakers transform research and policy into workable programs; educates policymakers, researchers, government officials, and business leaders; disseminates vital information through research syntheses, special reports and findings, newsletters, and our Web site; manages major programs that serve the research community, health policy leaders, and business and government decision makers; and advocates for health services research through its Coalition for Health Services Research. Health Care Quality and Evaluation :  Health Services Administration
Acronym Finder   I:

Non-Federal Website: More than 310,000 abbreviations and acronyms about computers, technology, telecommunications, and military acronyms and abbreviations.Search using exact acronym, beginning of acronym, wildcards and reverse look up. Reference Collection :  Dictionaries
Acronyms and Abbreviations   I:

Non-Federal Website: Search for acronyms and for words used in acronyms. Reference Collection :  Dictionaries
Addiction Search   I:

Non-Federal Website. Substance Abuse :  
addresses.com   I:

Non-Federal Website: Search for email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses and search by reverse lookup. Reference Collection :  
Administration on Aging   I:

Information about the Administration on Aging, its mission, budget, and organizational structure. In addition, you can learn more about the Older Americans Act, the federal legislation establishing the AoA and authorizing a range of programs that offer services and opportunities for older Americans and their caregivers. Geriatrics :  Physiology
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality   I:

Research findings translated into better patient care. Providing policymakers and other health care leaders with information needed to make critical health care decisions. Includes information on health care use, expenditures,insurance coverage, nursing homes, hospital stays, specific conditions, patient types, outcomes, charges), HIVnet: Interactive Tool for Statistics on Use of Resources, Medical resource utilization (inpatient and outpatient statistics). Health Care Quality and Evaluation :  Health Services Administration
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry   I:

Federal agency providing information to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances. Environment and Environmental Health :  Public Health
Agenet   I:

Non-Federal Website. Geriatrics :  
AIDS (NIH)   General Interest:

Links to all the NIH institutes that deal with HIV/AIDS. Virology :  AIDS
AIDS Education and Training Centers National Resource Center   I:

Non-Federal Website: AETC conducts multi-disciplinary education and training programs for healthcare providers treating persons with HIV/AIDS. Virology :  AIDS
AIDS Treatment Data Network   I:

Non-Federal Website: The AIDS Treatment Data Network (The Network) is an independent, community-based, not-for-profit, organization that provides news about treatment for HIV/AIDS. Virology :  AIDS
AIDS.org   I:

Non-Federal Website: AIDS.ORG provides access information and services about AIDS. Virology :  AIDS
AIDSinfo (DHHS)   General Interest:

AIDSinfo offers information on treatment, prevention, and research for HIV/AIDS from DHHS. Virology :  AIDS
Airline Toll-free Numbers   I:

Non-Federal Website: Telephone numbers and some web sites for airlines worldwide. Reference Collection :  
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Institute Library -- University of Washington   I:

Non-Federal Website. Substance Abuse :  
Alternative Health News Online   I:

Non-Federal Website: Alternative, complementary and preventive health-news pages on the Internet. While the sponsor aimed to find the most informative and credible sites, some admittedly may be light on scientific evidence. Conventional health sites are included to provide an integrative approach. A number of the included sites are updated daily and weekly. Alternative Medicine :  
Alternative Medicine Resources   I:

Non-Federal Website. Alternative Medicine :  
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry   I:

Non-Federal Website: Information on child and adolescent psychiatry, fact sheets for parents and caregivers, AACAP membership, current research, practice guidelines, managed care information, awards and fellowship descriptions, and meeting information. Psychiatry :  
American Academy of Pediatrics   I:

Non-Federal Website: News, advocacy and research in the field of children's health. Pediatrics :  
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging   I:

Non-Federal Website: Menu choices include Advocacy, Policy & Government , Aging Services: The Facts, Careers, Conferences, Consumer Information, Group Purchasing/ Shared Services, Learning Opportunities, Newsroom, Online Communities, Publications & Resources, Quality First 
Geriatrics :  
American Association of Poison Control Centers   I:

Non-Federal Website. Toxicology :  
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)   :

American College of Healthcare Executives   I:

Non-Federal Website: International professional society with credentialing and educational programs. Health Services Administration :  
American College of Physicians   I:

Non-Federal Website: Develops policies on public health issues. Health Care Quality and Evaluation :  Health Services Administration
American College of Physicians: Bioterrorism Resources   I:

Non-Federal Website: Collected resources in bioterrorism. Bioterrorism :  
American Dental Association   I:

Non-Federal Website: Information on dental practice; government and advocacy; education and careers; meetings, events and publications. Dentistry :  
American Geriatrics Society   :

American Heritage Book of English Usage   I:

Non-Federal Website: Grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups and scientific forms Reference Collection :  Dictionaries
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language   I:

Non-Federal Website: Over 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes. Reference Collection :  Dictionaries
American Indian Health   :

This site contains, documents, databases, and other resources which bring together health and medical resources to over 4 million American Indians in the U.S. Social Sciences
American Medical Association   :

Health Services Administration
American Psychiatric Association   :

American Psychoanalytic Association   I:

Non-Federal Website: A searchable bibliographic index for practitioners, researchers, and students. The bibliographic database currently contains more than 30,000 citations from psychoanalytic journals, books, and book reviews, spanning from the late nineteenth century to the present. Users may search the index by keyword(s) or by author name(s) only. Psychiatry :  Psychology
American Psychological Association   I:

Non-Federal Website: Conference and convention information, continuing education, newsletters, research and testing information. Psychology :  - No subject assigned
American Psychological Society   I:

Non-Federal Website. Psychology :  
American Public Health Association   I:

Non-Federal Website. Public Health :  
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities   I:

Non-Federal Website: The ASBH addresses bioethics issues in health services and research and policies relating to academic and clinical endeavors. News and events, downloadable publications including ASBH task force reports, and links to online resources. Ethics :  Health Care Quality and Evaluation
American Society of Addiction Medicine   :

Substance Abuse
American Society on Aging   :

American Telemedicine Association (ATA)   I:

Non-Federal Website. General Medicine :  
Anatomy Lens   I:

Non-Federal Web site: Anatomy Lens is a search engine that helps scientists hone in on PubMed articles most relevant to their research. Users enter anatomy terms, MeSH terms, and biological processes as search keywords. Anatomy Lens uses ontologies as knowledge bases to improve the recall of a search. Through inferencing, it is able to determine that if a user is interested in the brain, the user is also interested in the hippocampus and not the spine. To improve precision, Anatomy Lens searches over annotations on articles added by experts instead of keywords. In the above example query, an article that centrally talks about the spine but also happens to mention the keyword "brain" will be returned by a standard text search but not by Anatomy Lens. In the spirit of the semantic web, the following multiple data sets and ontologies have been integrated: Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA), Gene Ontology (GO), Gene Ontology Annotations (GOA), MeSH, and PubMed. Anatomy :  Library and Information Sciences
Arc, The   I:

Non-Federal Website: National organization of and for people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities and their families. Neurology :  
ARDB - Antibiotic Resistance Genes Database   I:

Non-Federal Website: ARDB is a service of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Maryland. As its creators explain in the website Introduction, "In order to facilitate identification and characterization of antibiotic resistance genes, we have created a manually curated database (ARDB) unifying most of the publicly available resistance genes and related information." The database contains resistance information for about 13,300 genes. Genetics :  Infectious Diseases
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc   I:

Non-Federal Website. Public Health :  
Association of American Medical Colleges   :

Health Services Administration
Association of Schools of Public Health   I:

Non-Federal Website. Public Health :  
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials   I:

Non-Federal Website. Public Health :  
Association of Telehealth Service Providers (ATSP)   I:

Non-Federal Website. General Medicine :  
Atlas of the Body   I:

Non-Federal Website: A service of the American Medical Association, the Atlas of the Body provides basic illustrations of human organs and systems: Body/Torso, Brain, Breast, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Ear, Endocrine System, Female Reproductive System, Hand, Muscles, Nervous System, Respiratory System, Skeleton, Skin, and Urinary System. Brief descriptions accompany each illustration and include the source of the graphic (Current Procedural Terminology, for example). Illustrations may be emailed or printed. Anatomy :  
bartleby.com   Databases,  Indexes & Data Sets:

Non-Federal Website: Books on reference, verse, fiction and non-fiction featuring: Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; World Factbook; Columbia Gazetteer; American Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition; Roget's II: The New Thesaurus; Bartlett's Familiar Quotations; Columbia World of Quotations; Simpson's Contemporary Quotations; American Heritage Book of English Usage; Fowler's King's English; Strunk's Elements of Style; The King James Bible, Oxford Shakespeare; and Gray's Anatomy. Reference Collection
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations   I:

Non-Federal Website: Over 11,000 searchable quotations. Reference Collection :  Dictionaries
Behavior Online   I:

Non-Federal Website: Site for communication among mental health professionals, OD consultants and other social and behavioral scientists. Psychiatry :  Psychology
Biodefense Education   I:

Non-Federal Website: A portal to readings, online courses, and textbooks, this site serves as a “source of continuing education about biodefense affairs.” Also contains news items and a discussion board. The site’s is searchable, and contains links to additional resources. 
Biology :  Public Health
Biographical Dictionary   I:

Non-Federal Website: More than 28,000 notable men and women are included in this dictionary that can be searched by birth years, death years, positions held, professions, literary and artistic works, achievements, and other keywords.  Reference Collection :  Dictionaries
BiomedExperts   I:

Non-Federal Website: BioMedExperts is a new online community that connects biomedical researchers to each other through the display and analysis of the networks of co-authors with whom each investigator works to publish scientific papers. The comprehensive system of pre-populated expert profiles, coupled with the ability to analyze all associated professional connections within the co-author network, allows scientists and researchers across organizations the ability to share data and collaborate. Computer Science :  
Biomedical Abbreviations   I:

Non-Federal Website: This resource consists of abbreviations scanned from 11,447,996 PubMed citations. The database currently has 2,074,367 abbreviations. This work has been published in:
Chang JT, Schütze H, and Altman RB (2002). Creating an Online Dictionary of Abbreviations from MEDLINE. The Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 9(6): 612-20.
Reference Collection :  
BMJ Updates   I:

Non-Federal Website: Citations (from over 110 premier clinical journals) are pre-rated for quality by research staff, then rated for clinical relevance and interest by at least 3 members of a worldwide panel of practicing physicians. Includes: A searchable database of the best evidence from the medical literature, An email alerting system, Links to selected evidence-based resources. Evidence-Based Medicine :  
Breast Care Center   :

Women's Health
BUBL LINK: Psychiatry Links   :

BUBL LINK:Psychology Links   :

Buros Institute of Mental Health Measurements   :

Canadian Institute for Health Information   I:

Non-Federal Website: Data collection that includes health human resources databases, health spending databases, and health services databases.
Reference Collection :  Mathematics and Statistics
Catalog of Biomedical Acronyms and Abbreviations   I:

Non-Federal Website: This database from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School was constructed in a purely automated manner, using a set of heuristics to identify acronyms/abbreviations and their definitions within MEDLINE records. It contains approximately 257,000 out of an estimated 277,000 unique acronyms within MEDLINE Reference Collection :  
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications   :

The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)  provides an index to print and electronic publications created by Federal Agencies. The CGP currently offers more than 500,000 records to both historical and current Government publications.  These records have been created or updated since July 1976.  Plans are underway to include records for publications dating back to the late 1800s. Reference Collection :  
CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response   I:

Information on agents, diseases, and other threats such as bioterrorism emergencies, chemical emergencies, radiation emergencies, mass casualties, natural disasters & severe weather, recent outbreaks & incidents. Bioterrorism :  
CDC Health Topic: Women's Health   :

Women's Health
CDC Health Topics A to Z   I:

Public Health :  
CDC Men's Health   I:

General Medicine :  
CDC Travel Information   I:

Health information on specific destinations. Environment and Environmental Health :  Public Health
CDC West Nile Virus home page   I:

Statistics, clinical and laboratory guidance and guidelines for surveillance, prevention and control of West Nile. Virology :  
CDC Wonder   I:

Single point of access to a wide variety of CDC reports, guidelines, and numeric public health data. Public Health :  
Center for Biosecurity, University of Pittsburgh   I:

Non-Federal Website: Areas of Focus--Agents and Diseases, Avian/Pandemic Influenza, Business and Biosecurity, Community Engagement, Countermeasure Development, Government Policy and Programs, 
Hospital Preparedness, International Biosecurity, Public Health Preparedness, Science and Biosecurity.
  Bioterrorism :  
Center for Devices and Radiological Health   I:

Site provides industry assistance, information on health topics, news and events, device evaluation information, and information resources such as databases. Public Health :  Radiology
Center for Health Care Policy and Evaluation   :

Health Services Administration
Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc   I:

Non-Federal Website. Health Services Administration :  
Center for Health Design   I:

Non-Federal Website: "...demonstrating that supportive building design can enhance health and well-being." Environment and Environmental Health :  Public Health
Center for Health Policy, Law and Management Duke University   :

Health Services Administration
Center for Health Services Research and Policy   :

Health Services Administration
Center for Managed Care -- HRSA   I:

Health Care Economics :  
Center for Substance Abuse Research   :

Substance Abuse
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities   :

Health Services Administration
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- Disaster Mental Health Resources   General Interest:

Links for coping with a disaster or traumatic event, and information for relief workers, planners, and health professionals. Biology :  Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)   I:

Serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States. Public Health :  
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services   Databases, Indexes & Data Sets:

Research publications and statistical highlights and information about Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP. Reference Collection :  Mathematics and Statistics
Chemical Emergencies Overview   General Interest:

Links from the Centers for Disease Control: What chemical emergencies are, Where hazardous chemicals come from, Types & categories of hazardous chemicals, Hazardous chemicals by name (A-Z list), Protecting yourself if you don't know what the chemical isBasic information on chemical emergencies, and In-depth information on chemical emergencies Biology :  Public Health
Children Now   I:

Non-Federal Website. General Medicine :  
Childstats.gov   :

Access to federal and state statistics and reports on children and their families, including: population and family characteristics, economic security, health, behavior and social environment, and education. Mathematics and Statistics
Chinese and Pinyin Dictionary (nciku)   I:

Non-Federal Website: nciku is a free, online dictionary that supports Chinese and English. New dictionary entries and other custom content is uploaded daily. The resources includes handwriting recognition, participating in discussions about anything Chinese or China related, vocabulary lists, memorization tests pinyin with sound, and conversations (study, edit and save real-life phrases). Dictionaries :  
Chronicle of Higher Education   I:

Non-Federal Website: Many of the services are available only to subscribers, but some parts of the site are free to all. They include: Colloquy, an open forum on issues in higher education, and Colloquy Live, a live online discussion. Chronicle Careers, which includes advice on careers in academe, plus job vacancies. You may also register for free newsletters: "Academe Today" (HTML or plain text), a daily report on higher education; "Afternoon Update," an afternoon roundup on developments in higher education; "Academe This Week," a weekly summary of higher-education news; "Breaking News Extras," occasional, brief mailings sent when significant higher-education news occurs; "Chronicle Review Newsletter", a weekly guide to the contents of The Chronicle Review; "The Wired Campus," a daily roundup of news and opinion at the intersection between IT and academe; "Community College," a weekly briefing on the fastest-growing segment of higher education; and "On Hiring," the information source for anyone charged with hiring in academe. Reference Collection :  
Citing Medicine: NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers   I:

Citing Medicine provides assistance to authors in compiling lists of references for their publications, to editors in revising such lists, to publishers in setting reference standards for their authors and editors, and to librarians and others in formatting bibliographic citations. Reference Collection :  
Citing Sources, Guide to Library Research   :

Non-Federal Website. Reference Collection :  
CNN Health Library   I:

Non-Federal Website. General Medicine :  
CNN.com - Health   I:

Non-Federal Website: News from CNN on health topics. Reference Collection :  
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)   I:

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Search or browse. Reference Collection :  
CogNet   I:

Non-Federal Website: Includes MITECS, the MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences. Reference Collection :  
Columbia Encyclopedia   I:

Non-Federal Website: Nearly 51,000 entries (marshalling six and one-half million words on a vast range of topics), and with more than 80,000 hypertext cross-references. Reference Collection :  
Commerce Business Daily   :

Public notification media by which U.S. Government agencies identify proposed contract actions and contract awards. Reference Collection :  
Common Weights and Measures   I:

Non-Federal Website: From the University of California at Berkeley. Reference Collection :  
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