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NIDA Science & Practice Perspectives

Volume 1, Number 1 - July 2002

Reference Article Abstracts

HIV/Hepatitis Prevention in Drug Abuse Treatment Programs: Guidance From Research
James L. Sorensen, Ph.D., Carmen L. Masson, Ph.D., and David C. Perlman, M.D.

Camacho, L.M.; Bartholomew, N.G.; Joe, G.W.; and Simpson, D.D., 1997. Maintenance of HIV risk reduction among injection opioid users: A 12-month posttreatment followup. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 47(1):11-18. Abstract Available

Heimer, R., 1998. Can a syringe exchange serve as a conduit to substance abuse treatment? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 15(3):183-191. Abstract Available

Jaeckel, E., et al., 2001. Treatment of acute hepatitis C with interferon alfa-2b. New England Journal of Medicine 345(20):1452-1457. Abstract Available

Kral, A.H., et al., 2001. Sexual transmission of HIV-1 among injection drug users in San Francisco, USA: Risk-factor analysis. Lancet 357(9266):1397-1401. Abstract Available

The Neurobiology of Opioid Dependence: Implications for Treatment
Thomas R. Kosten, M.D., and Tony P. George, M.D.

Koob, G.F., and LeMoal, M., 2001. Drug addiction, dysregulation of reward, and allostasis. Neuropsychopharmacology 24(2):97-129. Abstract Available

Kosten, T.R., 1998. Pharmacotherapy of cerebral ischemia in cocaine dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 49(2):133-144. Abstract Available

Kreek, M.J., and Koob, G.F., 1998. Drug dependence: Stress and dysregulation of brain reward pathways. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 51(1-2):23-47. Abstract Available

Schluger, J.H.; Borg, L.; Ho, A.; and Kreek, M.J., 2001. Altered HPA axis responsivity to metyrapone testing in methadone maintained former heroin addicts with ongoing cocaine addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology 24(5):568-575. Abstract Available

Shaham, Y.; Erb, S.; and Stewart, J., 2000. Stress-induced relapse to heroin and cocaine seeking in rats: A review. Brain Research Reviews 33(1):13-33. Abstract Available

Treatment Practice and Research Issues in Improving Opioid Treatment Outcomes
T. Ron Jackson, M.S.W.

Blaney, T., and Craig, R.J., 1999. Methadone maintenance: Does dose determine differences in outcome? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 16(3):221-228. Abstract Available

Caplehorn, J.R.M.; Lumley, T.S.; and Irwig, L., 1998. Staff aeahttitudes and retention of patients in methadone maintenance programs. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 52(1):57-61. Abstract Available

Chutuape, M.A.; Silverman, K.; and Stitzer, M.L., 1999. Use of methadone take-home contingencies with persistent opiate and cocaine abusers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 16(1):23-30. Abstract Available

D'Aunno T.; Folz-Murphy, N.; and Lin, X., 1999. Changes in methadone treatment practices: Results from a panel study, 1988-1995. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 25(4):681-699. Abstract Available

Magura, S.; Nwakeze, P.C.; and Demsky, S.Y., 1998. Pre- and in-treatment predictors of retention in methadone treatment using survival analysis. Addiction 93(1):51-60. Abstract Available

Saxon, A.J., et al., 1996. Pre-treatment characteristics, program philosophy, and level of ancillary services as predictors of methadone maintenance treatment outcome. Addiction 91(8):1197-1209. Abstract Available

Treating Women Drug Abusers: Action Therapy and Trauma Assessment
Ann S. Uhler, M.A., and Olga V. Parker, Ph.D.

Stewart, S.H., 1996. Alcohol abuse in individuals exposed to trauma: A critical review. Psychological Bulletin 120(1):83-112. Abstract Available

Using Behavioral Reinforcement To Improve Methadone Treatment Participation
Robert K. Brooner, Ph.D., and Michael Kidorf, Ph.D.

Azrin, N.H., et al., 1994. Behavior therapy for drug abuse: A controlled treatment outcome study. Behaviour Research and Therapy 32(8):857-866. Abstract Available

Davison, G.C., 2000. Stepped care: Doing more with less? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 68(4):580-585. Abstract Available

Dolan, M.P., et al., 1985. Contracting for treatment termination to reduce illicit drug use among methadone maintenance treatment failures. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 53(4):549-551. Abstract Available

Glosser, D.S., 1983. The use of a token economy to reduce illicit drug use among methadone maintenance clients. Addictive Behaviors 8:93-104. Abstract Available

Hunt, G. M., and Azrin, N.H., 1973. A community-reinforcement approach to alcoholism. Behaviour Research and Therapy 11:91-104. Abstract Available

Iguchi, M.Y., et al., 1996. Contingent reinforcement of group participation versus abstinence in a methadone maintenance program. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 4(3):315-321. Abstract Available

Kidorf, M.; Brooner, R.K.; and King, V.L., 1997. Motivating methadone patients to include drug-free significant others in treatment: A behavioral intervention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 14(1):23-28. Abstract Available

Kidorf, M.; Hollander, J.R.; King, V.L.; and Brooner, R.K., 1998. Increasing employment of opioid-dependent outpatients: An intensive behavioral intervention. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 50(1):73-80. Abstract Available

Kidorf, M., and Stitzer, M.L., 1993. Contingent access to methadone maintenance treatment: Effects on cocaine use of mixed opiate-cocaine abusers. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 1:200-206. Abstract Available

King, V.L., et al., 1999. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and treatment outcome in opioid abusers entering treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 187(8):487-495. Abstract Available

Latkin, C., et al., 1995. Using social network analysis to study patterns of drug use among urban drug users at high risk for HIV/AIDS. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 38(1):1-9. Abstract Available

Magura, S., et al., 1988. Contingency contracting with polydrug-abusing methadone patients. Addictive Behaviors 13(1):113-118. Abstract Available

Milby, J.B., et al., 1978. Take-home methadone: Contingency effects on drug-seeking and productivity of narcotic addicts. Addictive Behaviors 3:215-220. Abstract Available

Platt, J.J., 1995. Vocational rehabilitation of drug abusers. Psychological Bulletin 117(3):416-433. Abstract Available

Silverman, K., et al., 1995. Incongruity between occupational interests and academic skills in drug abusing women. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 40:115-123. Abstract Available

Silverman, K., et al., 1996. Increasing opiate abstinence through voucher-based reinforcement therapy. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 41(2):157-165. Abstract Available

Stitzer, M., et al., 1977. Medication take-home as a reinforcer in a methadone maintenance program. Addictive Behaviors 2(1):9-14. Abstract Available

Stitzer, M. L.; Iguchi, M.Y.; and Felch, L., 1992. Contingent take-home incentive: Effects on drug use of methadone maintenance patients. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 60(6):927-934. Abstract Available

Zanis, D.A., and Woody, G.E., 1998. One-year mortality rates following methadone treatment discharge. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 52(3):257-260. Abstract Available

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