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Grants Management

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What is the purpose?

Grants Management at NIHThe Grants Management module enables the grantor agency to document the administrative review in conjunction with issuing grant awards.  It also provides a variety of functions connected to issuing awards including workload management tools and includes the ability to assign grants to grants management or program staff for individual records or by creating batch assignment rules.

What are the features of Grants Management?

The Award portion of the GM module provides the following functionality:

The Assignment portion of GM allows for the assignment of an individual or group of grants to grants management staff.

GM is also used to process Individual Fellowship Activations.

What is the benefit?

The Grants Management module provides a comprehensive electronic tool for the Grants Management business area to conduct and document the administrative side of the grant process. By organizing the work of grant management into a rule-driven process, the module enables the funding agency to manage grants more effectively.

Who can use Grants Management?

Grants management staff at the grantor agency have access to the Grants Management module. The module is accessible through IMPAC II to authorized users only.

This page last reviewed: May 29, 2008