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Student  Programs Collage: NIH Biomedical Research and Training
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Career Advancement Toolkit Workshops

Writing Workshops: Registration for new courses and workshops now available. (NIH Only)

Prior OITE workshops

OITE publications

Job opportunities

Career services/Pre-professional advising

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Courses and Internships at the NIH


The Summer Internship Program (SIP) application is now available. The application deadline is March 1, 2009.

Orientation for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, generally held the first Tuesday of every month. Next session: February 10, 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Please register in advance. (NIH only)

Moving to MD or the DC area to become a postbac, graduate student, or postdoctoral fellow at NIH? The OITE Moving Guide can help make the transition as easy as possible. [PDF, 547 KB]

The new Postdoc Handbook is now available [PDF, 4.54 MB]. Drop by the OITE (Building 2, second floor) to pick up your copy.

Clinical training opportunities: Many of NIH's clinical research training and medical education programs have been centralized in the Clinical Center Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education.

The NIH Academy and Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) applications are now available.


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