NIH Enterprise Architecture Home

Domain Team And Working Group Process

Domain teams are temporary working groups established to develop enterprise architecture artifacts within a specific domain of the NIH Enterprise Architecture. For example, a domain team may be assembled to validate a data model, which is a specific model of the Information Architecture. Or, a domain team may be assembled to develop an architecture brick that lists NIH’s approved standards for a specific technology such as enterprise level database management systems or web-server operating systems.

Another method for documenting architecture standards and best community practices (BCP) is the NIH Request for Comments (NIHRFC) series.  Any NIH stakeholder or working group can propose a new standard or BCP using this document series.

The process by which domain teams and working groups develop enterprise architecture artifacts is one based on consensus. As illustrated in the figure below, domain teams and working groups follow a structured process for reaching consensus.


Figure 1: The Domain Team And Working Group Process

This process ensures cross-NIH representation, consensus, and alignment with Federal acquisition and procurement requirements, such as the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR). At a high-level the process is as follows:

Steps Domain Team Working Group
Identify The Need For A New Or Revised Standard, Or Best Practice
Establish The Team
Conduct The Team
Produce Team Products
Execute The Approval Process For Working Groups


Execute The Approval Process For Domain Teams


Publicize The Approved Results

Last Updated: September 18, 2007