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Recently Cleared Concepts for
Requests for Applications (RFAs)
and Program Announcements (PAs)
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NIH Guide: Published RFAs
NIH Guide: Published PAs
Archived PAs/RFAs
ver-red-line.gif - 972 Bytes Specific information on each initiative, including receipt date, will be available once the RFA or PA has been published. This page provides links to recently cleared concepts for upcoming solicitations and presents key information, including the objectives and descriptions of future solicitations and a direct link to NCI staff contacts. The NCI staff contacts can provide additional information on specific concepts, where available and appropriate. This listing of potential future initiatives is meant to provide the earliest possible alert to potential applicants in order to maximize application preparation time. While the NCI plans to proceed with these initiatives, their publication and timing is not certain and depends on sufficient funds being available. The titles and brief descriptions are consistent with the information available at the time of concept clearance. The resultant RFAs and PAs may differ from the concepts in the final wording of the titles or other aspects.

Concepts Cleared by the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors Meeting

Concepts for PAs and RFAs not Requiring Clearance by the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors: New and Reissued

For more information, see:

    NIH Guide; published RFAs
    NIH Guide; published PAs

Archive: Concepts for PAs and RFAs

Submit comments regarding Concepts for PAs and RFAs to:

National Cancer InstituteNational Cancer Institute (NCI) National Institutes of HealthNational Institutes of Health (NIH) Health & Human ServicesDepartment of Health & Human Services (DHHS) First Gov