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Got questions about drugs?

You are not alone. Dr. NIDA can tell you what you want to know about drugs or addiction. Use this form to send Dr. NIDA an email with any questions you have. Dr. NIDA will write back to you with a straight answer.

How do I make my T-shirt?

  1. Find a t-shirt or other cotton item that you can use for your iron-on. Be sure to get permission from your parents first.
  2. Pick up some iron-on ink-jet transfer paper at your local craft or office supply store. Choose opaque transfer paper for dark-colored items and transparent transfer paper for light-colored items. Transparent transfer paper may help you avoid white outlines around your artwork. Always read the instructions that come with the transfer paper.
  3. Download the artwork you want, free on the NIDA for Teens Web site.
  4. Use an ink-jet printer to print your downloaded design onto the transfer paper. Be sure to read the instructions that come with the transfer paper.
  5. Use an ordinary iron to transfer the design onto your item. Be sure to have a parent supervise you while you are using the hot iron.
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Answer This

Ecstasy is also known as:

Mind Over Matter

Explore the brain's response to drugs
with Sara Bellum.

Switch Your Gear: T-Shirt Iron Ons Switch Your Gear: Wallpapers Switch Your Gear: Icons Switch Your Gear: Stickers