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Upcoming Community Service Events

Upcoming Community Service events sponsored by the GSC Community Service Committee –
contact Kim Baxter at to get involved:

Tuesday, Dec 2: Pack boxes of donated food for needy Montgomery County families at Manna Food warehouse in Rockville . Let's meet at 6:30pm in front of Building 2 to carpool; we can drop you off at the Metro or NIH after we're done. Demand for food boxes is very high right now and Manna has asked us to pack more boxes than usual, so we'll need all our experienced volunteers plus some new ones! Let me know if you can join us (and if you can drive):

Wednesday, Dec 10: Graduate Student Blood Drive at the NIH Blood Bank.  The NIH patient community relies on this valuable resource -- help make our last blood drive of 2008 a success! Volunteers will receive a long-sleeve t-shirt! Reserve a time slot from 8-4 by emailing me at

Planning for Children's Inn Sunday Supper: Ware working on scheduling a date for this event. In the meantime, please let me know if you can help with meal planning, fundraising, shopping at Sam's Club, cooking, or serving the meal.