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1 Urabe M, Nakakura T, Xin KQ, Obara Y, Mizukami H, Kume A, Kotin RM, Ozawa K.
Scalable generation of high-titer recombinant adeno-associated virus type 5 in insect cells.
J Virol 80(4): 1874-85, 2006. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
2 Huszthy PC, Svendsen A, Wilson JM, Kotin RM, Lønning PE, Bjerkvig R, Hoover F.
Widespread dispersion of adeno-associated virus serotype 1 and adeno-associated virus serotype 6 vectors in the rat central nervous system and in human glioblastoma multiforme xenografts.
Hum Gene Ther 16(3): 381-92, 2005. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
3 Li L, Yang L, Kotin RM.
The DNA minor groove binding agents Hoechst 33258 and 33342 enhance recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) transgene expression.
J Gene Med 7(4): 420-31, 2005. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
4 Li W, Yu ZX, Kotin RM.
Profiles of PrKX expression in developmental mouse embryo and human tissues.
J Histochem Cytochem 53(8): 1003-9, 2005. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
5 Hickman AB, Ronning DR, Perez ZN, Kotin RM, Dyda F.
The nuclease domain of adeno-associated virus rep coordinates replication initiation using two distinct DNA recognition interfaces.
Mol Cell 13(3): 403-14, 2004. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
6 Xia H, Mao Q, Eliason SL, Harper SQ, Martins IH, Orr HT, Paulson HL, Yang L, Kotin RM, Davidson BL.
RNAi suppresses polyglutamine-induced neurodegeneration in a model of spinocerebellar ataxia.
Nat Med 10(8): 816-20, 2004. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
7 Lotery AJ, Yang GS, Mullins RF, Russell SR, Schmidt M, Stone EM, Lindbloom JD, Chiorini JA, Kotin RM, Davidson BL.
Adeno-associated virus type 5: transduction efficiency and cell-type specificity in the primate retina.
Hum Gene Ther 14(17): 1663-71, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
8 Smith RH, Ding C, Kotin RM.
Serum-free production and column purification of adeno-associated virus type 5.
J Virol Methods 114(2): 115-24, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
9 Ding C, Urabe M, Bergoin M, Kotin RM.
Biochemical characterization of Junonia coenia densovirus nonstructural protein NS-1.
J Virol 76(1): 338-45, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
10 Hickman AB, Ronning DR, Kotin RM, Dyda F.
Structural unity among viral origin binding proteins: crystal structure of the nuclease domain of adeno-associated virus Rep.
Mol Cell 10(2): 327-37, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
11 Mastakov MY, Baer K, Kotin RM, During MJ.
Recombinant adeno-associated virus serotypes 2- and 5-mediated gene transfer in the mammalian brain: quantitative analysis of heparin co-infusion.
Mol Ther 5(4): 371-80, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
12 Mastakov MY, Baer K, Symes CW, Leichtlein CB, Kotin RM, During MJ.
Immunological aspects of recombinant adeno-associated virus delivery to the mammalian brain.
J Virol 76(16): 8446-54, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
13 Schmidt M, Chiorini JA, Afione S, Kotin R.
Adeno-associated virus type 2 Rep78 inhibition of PKA and PRKX: fine mapping and analysis of mechanism.
J Virol 76(3): 1033-42, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
14 Smith RH, Afione SA, Kotin RM.
Transposase-mediated construction of an integrated adeno-associated virus type 5 helper plasmid.
Biotechniques 33(1): 204-6, 208, 210-1, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
15 Urabe M, Ding C, Kotin RM.
Insect cells as a factory to produce adeno-associated virus type 2 vectors.
Hum Gene Ther 13(16): 1935-43, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
16 Yamano S, Huang LY, Ding C, Chiorini JA, Goldsmith CM, Wellner RB, Golding B, Kotin RM, Scott DE, Baum BJ.
Recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 2 vectors mediate stable interleukin 10 secretion from salivary glands into the bloodstream.
Hum Gene Ther 13(2): 287-98, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
17 Yang GS, Schmidt M, Yan Z, Lindbloom JD, Harding TC, Donahue BA, Engelhardt JF, Kotin R, Davidson BL.
Virus-mediated transduction of murine retina with adeno-associated virus: effects of viral capsid and genome size.
J Virol 76(15): 7651-60, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
18 Davidson BL, Stein CS, Heth JA, Martins I, Kotin RM, Derksen TA, Zabner J, Ghodsi A, Chiorini JA.
Recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2, 4, and 5 vectors: transduction of variant cell types and regions in the mammalian central nervous system.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97(7): 3428-32, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
19 Schmidt M, Afione S, Kotin RM.
Adeno-associated virus type 2 Rep78 induces apoptosis through caspase activation independently of p53.
J Virol 74(20): 9441-50, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
20 Smith RH, Kotin RM.
An adeno-associated virus (AAV) initiator protein, Rep78, catalyzes the cleavage and ligation of single-stranded AAV ori DNA.
J Virol 74(7): 3122-9, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
21 Yang YW, Kotin RM.
Glucose-responsive gene delivery in pancreatic Islet cells via recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors.
Pharm Res 17(9): 1056-61, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
22 Zabner J, Seiler M, Walters R, Kotin RM, Fulgeras W, Davidson BL, Chiorini JA.
Adeno-associated virus type 5 (AAV5) but not AAV2 binds to the apical surfaces of airway epithelia and facilitates gene transfer.
J Virol 74(8): 3852-8, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
23 Chiorini JA, Afione S, Kotin RM.
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 5 Rep protein cleaves a unique terminal resolution site compared with other AAV serotypes.
J Virol 73(5): 4293-8, 1999. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
24 Chiorini JA, Kim F, Yang L, Kotin RM.
Cloning and characterization of adeno-associated virus type 5.
J Virol 73(2): 1309-19, 1999. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
25 Zimmermann B, Chiorini JA, Ma Y, Kotin RM, Herberg FW.
PrKX is a novel catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulated by the regulatory subunit type I.
J Biol Chem 274(9): 5370-8, 1999. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
26 Braddon VR, Chiorini JA, Wang S, Kotin RM, Baum BJ.
Adenoassociated virus-mediated transfer of a functional water channel into salivary epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo.
Hum Gene Ther 9(18): 2777-85, 1998. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
27 Chiorini JA, Zimmermann B, Yang L, Smith RH, Ahearn A, Herberg F, Kotin RM.
Inhibition of PrKX, a novel protein kinase, and the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase PKA by the regulatory proteins of adeno-associated virus type 2.
Mol Cell Biol 18(10): 5921-9, 1998. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
28 Maass G, Bogedain C, Scheer U, Michl D, Hörer M, Braun-Falco M, Volkenandt M, Schadendorf D, Wendtner CM, Winnacker EL, Kotin RM, Hallek M.
Recombinant adeno-associated virus for the generation of autologous, gene-modified tumor vaccines: evidence for a high transduction efficiency into primary epithelial cancer cells.
Hum Gene Ther 9(7): 1049-59, 1998. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
29 Chiorini JA, Yang L, Liu Y, Safer B, Kotin RM.
Cloning of adeno-associated virus type 4 (AAV4) and generation of recombinant AAV4 particles.
J Virol 71(9): 6823-33, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
30 Smith RH, Spano AJ, Kotin RM.
The Rep78 gene product of adeno-associated virus (AAV) self-associates to form a hexameric complex in the presence of AAV ori sequences.
J Virol 71(6): 4461-71, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
31 Wendtner CM, Nolte A, Mangold E, Buhmann R, Maass G, Chiorini JA, Winnacker EL, Emmerich B, Kotin RM, Hallek M.
Gene transfer of the costimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 into human multiple myeloma cells by recombinant adeno-associated virus enhances the cytolytic T cell response.
Gene Ther 4(7): 726-35, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
32 Chiorini JA, Wiener SM, Yang L, Smith RH, Safer B, Kilcoin NP, Liu Y, Urcelay E, Kotin RM.
The roles of AAV Rep proteins in gene expression and targeted integration.
Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 218: 25-33, 1996. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
33 Chiorini JA, Wendtner CM, Urcelay E, Safer B, Hallek M, Kotin RM.
High-efficiency transfer of the T cell co-stimulatory molecule B7-2 to lymphoid cells using high-titer recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors.
Hum Gene Ther 6(12): 1531-41, 1995. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
34 Chiorini JA, Yang L, Safer B, Kotin RM.
Determination of adeno-associated virus Rep68 and Rep78 binding sites by random sequence oligonucleotide selection.
J Virol 69(11): 7334-8, 1995. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
35 Urcelay E, Ward P, Wiener SM, Safer B, Kotin RM.
Asymmetric replication in vitro from a human sequence element is dependent on adeno-associated virus Rep protein.
J Virol 69(4): 2038-46, 1995. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
36 Batchu RB, Kotin RM, Hermonat PL.
The regulatory rep protein of adeno-associated virus binds to sequences within the c-H-ras promoter.
Cancer Lett 86(1): 23-31, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
37 Chiorini JA, Weitzman MD, Owens RA, Urcelay E, Safer B, Kotin RM.
Biologically active Rep proteins of adeno-associated virus type 2 produced as fusion proteins in Escherichia coli.
J Virol 68(2): 797-804, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
38 Chiorini JA, Wiener SM, Owens RA, Kyöstió SR, Kotin RM, Safer B.
Sequence requirements for stable binding and function of Rep68 on the adeno-associated virus type 2 inverted terminal repeats.
J Virol 68(11): 7448-57, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
39 Kotin RM.
Prospects for the use of adeno-associated virus as a vector for human gene therapy.
Hum Gene Ther 5(7): 793-801, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
40 Ward P, Urcelay E, Kotin R, Safer B, Berns KI.
Adeno-associated virus DNA replication in vitro: activation by a maltose binding protein/Rep 68 fusion protein.
J Virol 68(9): 6029-37, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
41 Weitzman MD, Kyöstiö SR, Kotin RM, Owens RA.
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) Rep proteins mediate complex formation between AAV DNA and its integration site in human DNA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91(13): 5808-12, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
42 Kotin RM, Linden RM, Berns KI.
Characterization of a preferred site on human chromosome 19q for integration of adeno-associated virus DNA by non-homologous recombination.
EMBO J 11(13): 5071-8, 1992. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
43 Kotin RM, Menninger JC, Ward DC, Berns KI.
Mapping and direct visualization of a region-specific viral DNA integration site on chromosome 19q13-qter.
Genomics 10(3): 831-4, 1991. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
44 Kotin RM, Siniscalco M, Samulski RJ, Zhu XD, Hunter L, Laughlin CA, McLaughlin S, Muzyczka N, Rocchi M, Berns KI.
Site-specific integration by adeno-associated virus.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 87(6): 2211-5, 1990. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
45 Kotin RM, Berns KI.
Organization of adeno-associated virus DNA in latently infected Detroit 6 cells.
Virology 170(2): 460-7, 1989. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
46 Berns KI, Kotin RM, Labow MA.
Regulation of adeno-associated virus DNA replication.
Biochim Biophys Acta 951(2-3): 425-9, 1988. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
47 Fink AL, Kar D, Kotin R.
Ribonuclease structure and catalysis: effects of crystalline enzyme, alcohol cryosolvents, low temperatures, and product inhibition.
Biochemistry 26(26): 8571-9, 1987. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
48 Prince DL, Kotin RM, Dubin DT.
Evidence that the methylation inhibitor cycloleucine causes accumulation of a discrete ribosomal RNA precursor in hamster mitochondria.
Mol Biol Rep 11(1): 51-5, 1986. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
49 HsuChen CC, Kotin RM, Dubin DT.
Sequences of the coding and flanking regions of the large ribosomal subunit RNA gene of mosquito mitochondria.
Nucleic Acids Res 12(20): 7771-85, 1984. [Text Abstract on PubMed]