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1 Bouamr F, Cornilescu CC, Goff SP, Tjandra N, Carter CA.
Structural and dynamics studies of the D54A mutant of human T cell leukemia virus-1 capsid protein.
J Biol Chem 280(8): 6792-801, 2005. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
2 Chang SL, Tjandra N.
Temperature dependence of protein backbone motion from carbonyl 13C and amide 15N NMR relaxation.
J Magn Reson 174(1): 43-53, 2005. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
3 Hawkins CA, Alba E, Tjandra N.
Solution structure of human saposin C in a detergent environment.
J Mol Biol 346(5): 1381-92, 2005. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
4 Suzuki M, Neutzner A, Tjandra N, Youle RJ.
Novel structure of the N terminus in yeast Fis1 correlates with a specialized function in mitochondrial fission.
J Biol Chem 280(22): 21444-52, 2005. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
5 de Alba E, Tjandra N.
Residual dipolar couplings in protein structure determination.
Methods Mol Biol 278: 89-106, 2004. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
6 de Alba E, Tjandra N.
Structural studies on the Ca2+-binding domain of human nucleobindin (calnuc).
Biochemistry 43(31): 10039-49, 2004. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
7 Kuszewski J, Schwieters CD, Garrett DS, Byrd RA, Tjandra N, Clore GM.
Completely automated, highly error-tolerant macromolecular structure determination from multidimensional nuclear overhauser enhancement spectra and chemical shift assignments.
J Am Chem Soc 126(20): 6258-73, 2004. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
8 Lipsitz RS, Tjandra N.
Residual dipolar couplings in NMR structure analysis.
Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct 33: 387-413, 2004. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
9 Wood MJ, Storz G, Tjandra N.
Structural basis for redox regulation of Yap1 transcription factor localization.
Nature 430(7002): 917-21, 2004. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
10 Chang SL, Szabo A, Tjandra N.
Temperature dependence of domain motions of calmodulin probed by NMR relaxation at multiple fields.
J Am Chem Soc 125(37): 11379-84, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
11 Cornilescu CC, Bouamr F, Carter C, Tjandra N.
Backbone (15)N relaxation analysis of the N-terminal domain of the HTLV-I capsid protein and comparison with the capsid protein of HIV-1.
Protein Sci 12(5): 973-81, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
12 de Alba E, Weiler S, Tjandra N.
Solution structure of human saposin C: pH-dependent interaction with phospholipid vesicles.
Biochemistry 42(50): 14729-40, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
13 Feng H, Takei J, Lipsitz R, Tjandra N, Bai Y.
Specific non-native hydrophobic interactions in a hidden folding intermediate: implications for protein folding.
Biochemistry 42(43): 12461-5, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
14 Lipsitz RS, Tjandra N.
15N chemical shift anisotropy in protein structure refinement and comparison with NH residual dipolar couplings.
J Magn Reson 164(1): 171-6, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
15 Schwieters CD, Kuszewski JJ, Tjandra N, Clore GM.
The Xplor-NIH NMR molecular structure determination package.
J Magn Reson 160(1): 65-73, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
16 Suzuki M, Jeong SY, Karbowski M, Youle RJ, Tjandra N.
The solution structure of human mitochondria fission protein Fis1 reveals a novel TPR-like helix bundle.
J Mol Biol 334(3): 445-58, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
17 Wu Z, Delaglio F, Tjandra N, Zhurkin VB, Bax A.
Overall structure and sugar dynamics of a DNA dodecamer from homo- and heteronuclear dipolar couplings and 31P chemical shift anisotropy.
J Biomol NMR 26(4): 297-315, 2003. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
18 Lipsitz RS, Sharma Y, Brooks BR, Tjandra N.
Hydrogen bonding in high-resolution protein structures: a new method to assess NMR protein geometry.
J Am Chem Soc 124(35): 10621-6, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
19 Sharma Y, Kwon OY, Brooks B, Tjandra N.
An ab initio study of amide proton shift tensor dependence on local protein structure.
J Am Chem Soc 124(2): 327-35, 2002. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
20 Baber JL, Szabo A, Tjandra N.
Analysis of slow interdomain motion of macromolecules using NMR relaxation data.
J Am Chem Soc 123(17): 3953-9, 2001. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
21 Bax A, Kontaxis G, Tjandra N.
Dipolar couplings in macromolecular structure determination.
Methods Enzymol 339: 127-74, 2001. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
22 Chang SL, Tjandra N.
Analysis of NMR relaxation data of biomolecules with slow domain motions using wobble-in-a-cone approximation.
J Am Chem Soc 123(46): 11484-5, 2001. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
23 Cornilescu CC, Bouamr F, Yao X, Carter C, Tjandra N.
Structural analysis of the N-terminal domain of the human T-cell leukemia virus capsid protein.
J Mol Biol 306(4): 783-97, 2001. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
24 de Alba E, Suzuki M, Tjandra N.
Simple multidimensional NMR experiments to obtain different types of one-bond dipolar couplings simultaneously.
J Biomol NMR 19(1): 63-7, 2001. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
25 Lipsitz RS, Tjandra N.
Carbonyl CSA restraints from solution NMR for protein structure refinement.
J Am Chem Soc 123(44): 11065-6, 2001. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
26 Wu Z, Tjandra N, Bax A.
31P chemical shift anisotropy as an aid in determining nucleic acid structure in liquid crystals.
J Am Chem Soc 123(15): 3617-8, 2001. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
27 Baber JL, Levens D, Libutti D, Tjandra N.
Chemical shift mapped DNA-binding sites and 15N relaxation analysis of the C-terminal KH domain of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K.
Biochemistry 39(20): 6022-32, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
28 de Alba E, Tjandra N.
Protein backbone (15)N relaxation rates as a tool for the diagnosis of structure quality.
J Magn Reson 144(2): 367-71, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
29 Suzuki M, Youle RJ, Tjandra N.
Structure of Bax: coregulation of dimer formation and intracellular localization.
Cell 103(4): 645-54, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
30 Tjandra N, Marquardt J, Clore GM.
Direct refinement against proton-proton dipolar couplings in NMR structure determination of macromolecules.
J Magn Reson 142(2): 393-6, 2000. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
31 Baber JL, Libutti D, Levens D, Tjandra N.
High precision solution structure of the C-terminal KH domain of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K, a c-myc transcription factor.
J Mol Biol 289(4): 949-62, 1999. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
32 de Alba E, De Vries L, Farquhar MG, Tjandra N.
Solution structure of human GAIP (Galpha interacting protein): a regulator of G protein signaling.
J Mol Biol 291(4): 927-39, 1999. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
33 Drohat AC, Tjandra N, Baldisseri DM, Weber DJ.
The use of dipolar couplings for determining the solution structure of rat apo-S100B(betabeta).
Protein Sci 8(4): 800-9, 1999. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
34 Tjandra N.
Establishing a degree of order: obtaining high-resolution NMR structures from molecular alignment.
Structure 7(9): R205-11, 1999. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
35 Clore GM, Gronenborn AM, Tjandra N.
Direct structure refinement against residual dipolar couplings in the presence of rhombicity of unknown magnitude.
J Magn Reson 131(1): 159-62, 1998. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
36 Lee BM, De Guzman RN, Turner BG, Tjandra N, Summers MF.
Dynamical behavior of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein.
J Mol Biol 279(3): 633-49, 1998. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
37 Ottiger M, Delaglio F, Marquardt JL, Tjandra N, Bax A.
Measurement of dipolar couplings for methylene and methyl sites in weakly oriented macromolecules and their use in structure determination.
J Magn Reson 134(2): 365-9, 1998. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
38 Bax A, Tjandra N.
Are proteins even floppier than we thought?
Nat Struct Biol 4(4): 254-6, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
39 Bax A, Tjandra N.
High-resolution heteronuclear NMR of human ubiquitin in an aqueous liquid crystalline medium.
J Biomol NMR 10(3): 289-92, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
40 Grzesiek S, Bax A, Hu JS, Kaufman J, Palmer I, Stahl SJ, Tjandra N, Wingfield PT.
Refined solution structure and backbone dynamics of HIV-1 Nef.
Protein Sci 6(6): 1248-63, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
41 Klug CA, Tasaki K, Tjandra N, Ho C, Schaefer J.
Closed form of liganded glutamine-binding protein by rotational-echo double-resonance NMR.
Biochemistry 36(31): 9405-8, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
42 Tjandra N, Bax A.
Direct measurement of distances and angles in biomolecules by NMR in a dilute liquid crystalline medium.
Science 278(5340): 1111-4, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
43 Tjandra N, Bax A.
Measurement of dipolar contributions to 1JCH splittings from magnetic-field dependence of J modulation in two-dimensional NMR spectra.
J Magn Reson 124(2): 512-5, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
44 Tjandra N, Garrett DS, Gronenborn AM, Bax A, Clore GM.
Defining long range order in NMR structure determination from the dependence of heteronuclear relaxation times on rotational diffusion anisotropy.
Nat Struct Biol 4(6): 443-9, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
45 Tjandra N, Omichinski JG, Gronenborn AM, Clore GM, Bax A.
Use of dipolar 1H-15N and 1H-13C couplings in the structure determination of magnetically oriented macromolecules in solution.
Nat Struct Biol 4(9): 732-8, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
46 Yu J, Simplaceanu V, Tjandra NL, Cottam PF, Lukin JA, Ho C.
1H, 13C, and 15N NMR backbone assignments and chemical-shift-derived secondary structure of glutamine-binding protein of Escherichia coli.
J Biomol NMR 9(2): 167-80, 1997. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
47 Tjandra N, Wingfield P, Stahl S, Bax A.
Anisotropic rotational diffusion of perdeuterated HIV protease from 15N NMR relaxation measurements at two magnetic fields.
J Biomol NMR 8(3): 273-84, 1996. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
48 Kuboniwa H, Tjandra N, Grzesiek S, Ren H, Klee CB, Bax A.
Solution structure of calcium-free calmodulin.
Nat Struct Biol 2(9): 768-76, 1995. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
49 Tjandra N, Kuboniwa H, Ren H, Bax A.
Rotational dynamics of calcium-free calmodulin studied by 15N-NMR relaxation measurements.
Eur J Biochem 230(3): 1014-24, 1995. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
50 Fontenot JD, Tjandra N, Ho C, Andrews PC, Montelaro RC.
Structure and self assembly of a retrovirus (FeLV) proline rich neutralization domain.
J Biomol Struct Dyn 11(4): 821-36, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
51 Hing AW, Tjandra N, Cottam PF, Schaefer J, Ho C.
An investigation of the ligand-binding site of the glutamine-binding protein of Escherichia coli using rotational-echo double-resonance NMR.
Biochemistry 33(29): 8651-61, 1994. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
52 Fontenot JD, Tjandra N, Bu D, Ho C, Montelaro RC, Finn OJ.
Biophysical characterization of one-, two-, and three-tandem repeats of human mucin (muc-1) protein core.
Cancer Res 53(22): 5386-94, 1993. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
53 Tjandra N, Simplaceanu V, Cottam PF, Ho C.
Multidimensional 1H and 15N NMR investigation of glutamine-binding protein of Escherichia coli.
J Biomol NMR 2(2): 149-60, 1992. [Text Abstract on PubMed]
54 Peng ZY, Tjandra N, Simplaceanu V, Ho C.
Slow motions in oriented phospholipid bilayers and effects of cholesterol or gramicidin. A 19F-NMR T1 rho study.
Biophys J 56(5): 877-85, 1989. [Text Abstract on PubMed]