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Fellows and Young Investigators Association

Helpful Links for Fellows

NCI Office of Training and Education
An active advocate for postdocs, this NCI office is designed to help fellows prepare for successful independent careers. CCR-FYI is just one facet of the programs that have been implemented and supported by this office.

NCI The Fellowship Office
Fantastic resource with an "open door" policy for current and incoming NCI postdoctoral fellows. The Fellowship Office supports activities in Outreach, Inreach, Training and Education, Answers, and Career Development.

The NIH Fellows Committee
FELCOM is comprised of basic science and clinical representatives from each institute and is a major liaison between administrative programs and fellowship training. FELCOM seeks to enhance the intramural training programs as well as foster communication among fellows and the NIH community.

NCI CCR Fellows' Editorial Board
A resource for CCR post-doctoral/clinical fellows that desire an editing service for manuscripts and grants. Also provides training and editorial experience to Editorial Board members.

National Postdoctoral Association
An organization that seeks to provide a voice for postdoctoral scientists, build consensus regarding best-practices policies for postdocs, work collaboratively for improvements in postdoctoral policies.

Science's Next Wave
A weekly online publication that covers scientific training, career development, and the science job market. The Next Wave is published by SCIENCE magazine and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Sigma Xi
The Scientific Research Society which has begun a Postdoctoral Survey Project intended to provide a better understainding of the postdoc experience.

Postdoc Network
Website connecting postdoc organizations, program administrators, and offices serving postdocs as they work to meet the professional development needs of postdocs.