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Choose your region or state from the map below or scroll down to find information about regional and state scrap tire programs. Also consult EPA's Quick Reference Guide to State Scrap Tire Programs (PDF) (53 pp, 262K, About PDF) which summarizes state scrap tire regulations and programs.

Note: If there is an Exit EPA sign after a state name below, then the link will take you directly to a page related to scrap tires. If there is no Exit EPA sign, then the link will take you to a site with links to state pages pertaining to waste management, solid waste, or municipal solid waste.

U.S. Map Region 1: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Region 2: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands Region 3: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Region 4: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee Region 5: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin Region 6: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Region 7: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Region 8: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakaota, Utah, Wyoming Region 9: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

Region 1

The states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island have all enacted legislation specific to scrap tires. Although Vermont has no legislation specific to tires, the state is actively working to find innovative uses for scrap tires (including riverbank and slope stabilization, septic systems, and lightweight fill projects) and addresses scrap tire management as part of other environmental legislation. The state of Maine established an aggressive stockpile abatement program in 1996, and since then, have removed over 7 million tires from stockpiles and directed them to beneficial uses.

Connecticut Exit EPA

Maine Exit EPA


New Hampshire

Rhode Island Exit EPA


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Region 2

Both New Jersey and New York are working to expand markets for scrap tires. In New York, representatives from the scrap tire industry, scrap tire end users, and others formed a roundtable group to develop both short- and long-term market development programs. The NJ DOT has conducted several demonstration projects that utilize various mixes of rubber-modified asphalt. Other innovative uses being explored by the state of New Jersey include artificial reef development and a process similar to pyrolysis.

New Jersey Exit EPA

New York Exit EPA

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Region 3

The states of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia have strong scrap tire management programs. In West Virginia, the state DOT administers the Scrap Tire Cleanup Fund which comes from a $5 fee on all new automobile registrations. Delaware has no scrap tire legislation, however, tires are being managed as either a solid waste or recyclable material under existing solid waste regulations.


Pennsylvania Exit EPA

Maryland Exit EPA

Virginia Exit EPA

West Virginia

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Region 4

Many of the states in Region 4 are actively implementing innovative uses for scrap tires. The state of Florida has been a leader in the use of asphalt rubber for use in highway pavement. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina allow tire shreds to be used in construction of drain fields for septic systems. Kentucky has used tires funds for market development including expanded use of tire derived fuel. In Tennessee, each county receives $70 per ton for waste tires collected and sent to beneficial end use through the state's Waste Tire Grant Fund. And both Mississippi and North Carolina administer funds to improve the use of recycled products, including tires.


Florida Exit EPA


KentuckyExit EPA


North Carolina

South Carolina

Tennessee Exit EPA

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Region 5

The states in Region 5 are actively addressing scrap tire management. Minnesota was the first state to pass laws addressing the management of scrap tires in 1985. Wisconsin was also an early leader in scrap tire management and disposal. The Illinois EPA established a Used Tire Program that funds over 100 waste tire cleanups throughout the state each year. Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio have all developed scrap tire market development programs and financial incentives for products made from recycled scrap tires.

Illinois Exit EPA

Indiana Exit EPA

Michigan Exit EPA

Minnesota Exit EPA

Ohio Exit EPA

Wisconsin Exit EPA

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Region 6

EPA Region 6 is aggressively working with the states to address illegal dumping of tires along the U.S./Mexico border in Texas and New Mexico. Both Arkansas and Louisiana provide financial incentives to reuse or recycle scrap tires. Oklahoma is finding new, innovative uses for scrap tires including the use of tires in riverbank stabilization projects.

Arkansas Exit EPA

Louisiana Exit EPA

New Mexico


Texas Exit EPA

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Region 7

The states in Region 7 all ban whole tires from disposal in landfills and have enacted rules and regulations to ensure the proper management of scrap tires. Iowa's Waste Tire End Users Incentives Program provides up to $10 per ton to end users of processed waste tire products to increase end uses/markets for processed waste tire materials including the purchase of tire derived fuel, crumb rubber, or shredded tires for civil engineering uses. Nebraska and Missouri also provide grants to users of scrap tires and tire derived products. The state of Kansas provides funds for the development of waste tire recycling markets.

Iowa Exit EPA

Kansas Exit EPA

Missouri Exit EPA


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Region 8

The states in Region 8 have all enacted scrap tire management programs to ensure the proper management of waste tires through collection, transportation, storage, and/or processing of scrap tires. Utah and Colorado also provide end user incentives and market incentives, while the state of Montana provides tax credits for the procurement of recycled products. South Dakota provides funding for recycling end uses, including tire derived fuel programs. And, the South Dakota DOT is developing civil engineering applications for shredded tires.


Montana Exit EPA

North Dakota

South Dakota Exit EPA

Utah Exit EPA


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Region 9

California and Arizona use the most asphalt rubber in highway construction (over 80% of asphalt rubber utilized). Both Hawaii and Nevada provide financial incentives to state agencies for purchasing products made with recycled materials, including retread tires.


California Exit EPA



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Region 10

The states in Region 10 have enacted regulations designed to prevent problematic storage and disposal of tires. Oregon and Washington have established disposal laws that regulate how tires are collected and stored. Oregon's regulations are also designed to encourage alternatives to disposal. In 2003, Idaho strengthened its Waste Tire Act by adding new provisions to allow the state, counties, and cities to regulate waste tire storage and disposal sites, and find additional methods for recycling/reusing tires. Alaska has no scrap tire legislation, however, the Alaskan DOT was the first in the US to field test rubberized asphalt.


Idaho Exit EPA

Oregon Exit EPA


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