­Cuide su peso! National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Office of Research on Minority Health "Mi esposo Juan y yo tenemos dos trabajos. Estamos tan ocupados que comemos corriendo de un trabajo a otro. Por mucho tiempo, para el desayuno yo comĦa una 'dona' en el carro. Para el almuerzo Juan muchas veces s˘lo comĦa un dulce y un refresco. En la noche los dos est bamos tan hambrientos que comĦamos de prisa grandes cantidades de carne frita y arroz. Comer estos alimentos con mucha grasa nos hizo subir de peso. Por eso, hicimos cambios en nuestra alimentaci˘n y le agregamos actividad fĦsica a nuestra rutina diaria. Al final, logramos poner nuestro peso bajo control." --Lupe MartĦnez stos son algunos de los cambios que Juan y Lupe hicieron. ­Estos consejos le pueden servir a usted tambi‚n! Haga un plan... 1. Lev ntese 15 minutos m s temprano por la ma¤ana y desayune en su casa. Incluya fruta, pan y leche descremada. 2. Prepare un almuerzo saludable la noche anterior. Incluya granos, frutas, vegetales y porciones peque¤as de la comida que sobr˘ de la cena. 3. Lleve una fruta para comerla como bocadillo entre un trabajo y otro. Tome agua en vez de gaseosa. 4. Coma porciones peque¤as en la cena. Agregue vegetales y una ensalada con aderezo bajo en grasa. 5. Mant‚ngase activo en el trabajo, en la casa y en su tiempo libre. Camine o use las escaleras en vez del ascensor. Coma una variedad de alimentos. Escoja alimentos bajos en grasa y calorĦas. Pruebe los siguientes alimentos: * Leche descremada o con 1% de grasa * Quesos marcados en el envoltorio "bajo en grasa" o "sin grasa" * Frutas y vegetales sin mantequilla ni cremas * Arroz, frijoles, cereales, tortillas de maĦz y pastas * Cortes de carne bajos en grasa, pescado, y pollo o pavo sin pellejo Prepare las comidas de manera saludable. * Hornee, ase o hierva los alimentos en vez de freĦrlos. * Prepare los frijoles y el arroz sin manteca, tocino ni otras carnes con alto contenido de grasa. * Use menos quesos con alto contenido de grasa, cremas y mantequilla al cocinar. * Use aceite en aerosol (spray) o peque¤as cantidades de aceite vegetal o de margarina para cocinar. * Prepare las ensaladas con mayonesa o aderezos que sean bajos en grasa o sin grasa. Disminuya la cantidad de comida que se sirve. * SĦrvase porciones peque¤as y no repita. * Coma comidas peque¤as y bocadillos saludables durante el dĦa en vez de una sola comida grande. ­Mant‚ngase activo! Alto a las excusas. * Haga su actividad fĦsica favorita, por lo menos 30 minutos cada dĦa. Puede hacer la actividad durante 10 minutos, tres veces al dĦa. Por ejemplo: Si no tiene 30 minutos seguidos, camine durante 10 minutos tres veces al dĦa. Trate de lograr un peso saludable * Si tiene sobrepeso, trate de no aumentarlo. Trate de bajar de peso poco a poco. Baje entre media y una libra por semana hasta lograr un peso saludable. * Una manera sana de bajar de peso es comer menos grasa y calorĦas, comer porciones peque¤as y mantenerse activo. ­Trate de mantener un peso saludable! M s vale prevenir que lamentar. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NIH Publication No. 96-4047 September 1996 Watch Your Weight! National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Office of Research on Minority Health "My husband Juan and I both need to work two jobs. We were so busy that we used to eat on the run. I used to eat a doughnut in the car for breakfast. For lunch Juan would just grab a candy bar and soda. We were both so hungry at night that we would gobble down big portions of fried meat and rice. Eating all these high-fat foods made us gain weight. We made changes in what we ate and became more active each day. Finally, we got our weight back under control." --Lupe MartĦnez Here are some of the changes Juan and Lupe made. These tips can work for you, too! Plan ahead... 1. Get up 15 minutes early in the morning. Eat breakfast at home. Include fruit, bread, and skim milk. 2. Prepare a healthy lunch the night before. Include grains, fruits, vegetables, and small portions of leftovers. 3. Take a piece of fruit to snack on in between jobs. Drink water instead of soda. 4. Eat smaller portions at dinner. Add a salad with low fat dressing and add vegetables. 5. Get active at work, at home, and in your spare time. Walk or use the stairs instead of the elevator. Eat a variety of foods. Choose foods low in fat and low in calories. Try: * Skim milk or 1% milk * Cheeses marked "low fat" or "fat free" on the package * Fruits and vegetables without butter or sauce * Rice, beans, cereals, corn tortillas, and pasta * Lean cuts of meat, fish, and skinless turkey and chicken Make foods the healthy way. * Bake, broil, or boil foods instead of frying. * Cook beans and rice without lard, bacon, or fatty meats. * Use less high-fat cheeses, cream, and butter when cooking. * Use cooking oil spray or a little bit of vegetable oil or margarine when cooking. * Garnish salads with low fat or fat free mayonnaise and salad dressings. Limit your portion size. * Serve small portions--do not go back for seconds. * Eat smaller healthy meals and healthy snacks throughout the day instead of one big meal. Get active! Don't make excuses! * Do your favorite physical activity for at least 30 minutes each day. You can do 10 minutes of activity three times a day. Try this: If you are pressed for time, walk for 10 minutes three times a day. Aim for a healthy weight. * Try not to gain extra weight. If you are overweight, try to lose weight slowly. Lose about one-half to 1 pound a week until you reach a healthy weight. * A safe and healthy way to lose weight is to eat less fat and fewer calories. Also limit your portion size and be active every day. Aim for a healthy weight! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NIH Publication No. 96-4047 September 1996