­Rompa con el h bito de fumar! National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Office of Research on Minority Health Deje de fumar por la salud y el bienestar suyo y el de su familia. "El fumar teniendo alta presi¢n me puede causar un ataque al coraz¢n. Yo dej‚ de fumar porque quer¡a seguir cumpliendo con las obligaciones que tengo con mi familia. Esto me ayud¢ a usar mi fuerza de voluntad para dejar de fumar para siempre." --Don Carlos "Mi esposo y yo dejamos de fumar hace un mes. El humo de nuestros cigarrillos le causaba a nuestro hijo muchos resfriados y ataques de asma. No pod¡amos seguir enfermando a nuestro hijito. Dejar de fumar no fue f cil, pero lo logramos." --Mar¡a Rosales Rompa con el h bito. Usted puede dejar de fumar. El humo de un cigarrillo deja en el aire m s de 4.000 sustancias da¤inas. Cuando fuma usted pone en peligro su salud y la de su familia. El fumar cigarrillo le aumenta el riesgo de tener ataque al coraz¢n, enfermedades de los pulmones, derrame cerebral y c ncer. Consejos para dejar de fumar 1. Escoja un d¡a para dejar de fumar. 2. Siga record ndose por qu‚ usted quiere dejar de fumar. 3. Tire a la basura todos los cigarrillos, los encendedores y los ceniceros. 4. Tome agua o chupe hielo en vez de fumar. 5. Mastique chicle (goma de mascar) sin az£car o coma un pedazo de fruta en vez de fumar. 6. Mant‚ngase activo. Salga a caminar cuando tenga deseo de fumar. Pronto se le pasar  el deseo. Haga un plan para no volver a fumar. * Al comienzo, evite los lugares que le dan deseo de fumar. * D¡gale a sus familiares y amigos que no fumen a su alrededor. * En las fiestas, trate de estar con amigos que no fuman. * Si le ofrecen cigarrillos, responda: "No, gracias, yo no fumo." Muy pronto se ver  como una persona que no fuma. * Sea optimista. Si fuma un cigarrillo no se desanime. Recuerde las razones por las que desea dejar de fumar y trate de dejarlo otra vez. ­Siga tratando! La nicotina del cigarrillo crea adicci¢n. Dejar de fumar no es f cil. Si no puede dejar de fumar la primera vez que lo intenta siga tratando. Si necesita m s ayuda para dejar de fumar preg£ntele a su m‚dico acerca de los parches con nicotina o chicles con nicotina. ­Deje de fumar hoy! M s vale prevenir que lamentar. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NIH Publication No. 96-4048 September 1996 Kick the Smoking Habit! National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Office of Research on Minority Health Stop smoking for the health and well-being of you and your family. "Smoking along with having high blood pressure could cause me to have a heart attack. I stopped because I want to keep providing for my family. This goal gave me the willpower to quit for good." --Don Carlos "My husband and I quit last month. The smoke from our cigarettes was causing our son to have many colds and asthma attacks. We could not keep making our child sick. Quitting was not easy, but we did it." --Mar¡a Rosales Break the habit. You can stop smoking. The smoke from a cigarette gives off more than 4,000 harmful substances into the air. You put your health and your family's health at risk when you smoke. Smoking increases your risk of heart attack, lung diseases, stroke, and cancer. Tips to quit smoking 1. Pick a day to stop smoking. 2. Keep reminding yourself why you want to quit. 3. Throw away your cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays. 4. Drink water or suck on ice instead of smoking. 5. Chew sugarless gum or eat a piece of fruit instead of smoking. 6. Get moving. Whenever you have the urge to smoke, take a walk. Soon the urge will pass. Make a plan to stay off cigarettes. * At first, avoid places that make you want to smoke. * Ask your family and friends not to smoke around you. * At parties, try to be around friends who do not smoke. * When someone offers you a cigarette, say, "No, thank you. I don't smoke." You will soon see yourself as a nonsmoker. * Be kind to yourself. If you smoke a cigarette, don't give up. Remind yourself of the reasons you want to quit. Try again. Keep trying! The nicotine in cigarettes is addictive. Quitting smoking is not easy. If you can't quit the first time--keep trying. For more help to quit smoking, ask your doctor about nicotine gum or skin patches. Stop smoking today! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NIH Publication No. 96-4048 September 1996