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Mothballed Brownfields:
Successful Approaches to Revitalization

mothballed property mothballed property
A mothballed brownfield is a property where the property owner is unwilling or unable to transfer the brownfield or put it into productive reuse.  Mothballed brownfields, like most brownfields, cause blight to neighborhoods, inhibit economic development, threaten public health and the environment, discourage productive reuse of infill areas, and encourage urban sprawl.  Despite the many challenges that communities face in attempting to redevelop mothballed properties, increasing examples are emerging where property owners are working in collaboration with local communities, regulators, redevelopers, and other stakeholders to overcome the barriers to reusing mothballed brownfields.  This document provides summaries of four case studies that illustrate successful approaches to the cleanup and reuse of mothballed brownfield properties.

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Publication Number EPA-560-R-07-002, December 2007


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