Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH



This program was written to recode alphabeticly coded systems into numbered alleles. It also will recode numerically coded systems into numbered alleles (This would be useful if the alleles represent base pair counts).

Recode is intended to be used interactively on Helix.


Type recode on command line

Sample session

% recode RECODE version 1.4, 15 January 1997 Written by Daniel E. Weeks, (c) 1996, 1997 Input: 1) Pedigree file with LINKAGE format up to proband field Disease locus, if present, must be the first locus. Markers can be alphabetic (no spaces between alleles) or numeric (at least one space between alleles). Untyped genotypes must be coded as '0 0' or '-1 -1' 2) names.dat file with marker names, one per line (Optional) Output 1) Recoded pedigree file 2) key.dat with recoding key 3) recode.dat: marker portion of datain.dat 4) marker portion of GAS-format locus file 5) GAS-format pedigree file with original alleles 6) success.dat: Genotyping success rate Is there a disease locus (y/n)?

