Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH



Mega stands for Manipulation Environment for Genetic Analyses. Mega2 is a data-handling program for facilitating genetic linkage and association analyses.


Type mega2 on command line

Sample session

% mega2 ========================================================== MEGA2 4.0 beta R1 by Daniel E. Weeks, Nandita Mukhopadhyay, Lee W. Almasy, William Mullvihill and Mark Schroeder Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The University of Pittsburgh Last updated: Dec 11 2007, 10:06:38, valid until June 15, 2008. Mega2 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See LICENSE.txt for terms of copying, modifying & redistributing Mega2. ========================================================== Mega2 input menu: ========================================================== 0) Done with this menu - please proceed 1) Input file extension: 01 2) Locus datafile: _ 3) Pedigree datafile: _ 4) Map datafile: _ 5) Omit datafile (optional): _ 6) Frequency datafile (optional): _ 7) Penetrance datafile (optional): _ 8) Directory for writing output: [ Current directory ] 9) Simulate genotyping errors: [no ] 10) Include all pedigrees whether typed or not (based on fully_typed genotypes) 11) Warn if allele frequency error measure exceeds: No limit Select from options 0-11 (9 to toggle) >
