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Found 22 studies with search of:   "Sibutramine"
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1 Completed Weight Loss in Response to Sibutramine (MERIDIA) is Influenced by the Inherited Genes
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Drug: sibutramine;   Drug: sibutramine;   Drug: sibutramine
2 Completed Blood Pressure and Weight Trajectory on a Dual Antihypertensive Combination Plus Sibutramine Versus Placebo in Obese Hypertensives
Conditions: Obesity;   Hypertension
Interventions: Drug: sibutramine;   Drug: sibutramine;   Drug: verapamil/trandolapril;   Drug: metoprolol/HCT;   Drug: felodipine/ramipril
3 Not yet recruiting Treatment of Hyperandrogenism vs. Insulin Resistance in Infertile PCOS Women
Condition: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Interventions: Drug: Sibutramine (Meridia) and Lifestyle Intervention with exercise and diet;   Drug: Loestrin 1/20;   Drug: Sibutramine (Meridia) and Loestrin 1/20
4 Active, not recruiting A Long Term Study of Sibutramine and the Role of Obesity Management in Relation to Cardiovascular Disease in Overweight and Obese Patients.
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Drug: sibutramine hydochloride monohydrate;   Drug: placebo;   Behavioral: Diet and Exercise Counseling
5 Completed Efficacy and Safety Study of Sibutramine in Overweight Non-Diabetic Malaysian Population
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Drug: Sibutramine;   Drug: Placebo
6 Completed A Phase IV, Multi-Center, Open-Label Trial of Sibutramine in Combination With a Hypocaloric Diet in Obese and Overweight Thai Subjects.
Condition: Obesity
Intervention: Drug: sibutramine hydochloride monohydrate
7 Terminated Study to Examine the Longer-Term Efficacy and Safety of Sibutramine Hydrochloride in Obese Subjects
Conditions: Obesity;   Weight Loss
Interventions: Drug: placebo;   Drug: sibutramine or placebo
8 Recruiting Treatment of Binge Eating in Obese Patients in Primary Care
Conditions: Obesity;   Binge Eating
Interventions: Drug: Sibutramine;   Drug: Placebo;   Behavioral: Self-help CBT + Sibutramine;   Behavioral: Self-help CBT + Placebo
9 Completed A Study of Sibutramine in Overweight Adolescents to Assess Weight Loss and Safety.
Condition: Obesity
Intervention: Drug: sibutramine
10 Completed A Study to Examine the Safety, Tolerability, and Body Weight Effect of Pramlintide Alone and in Combination With Oral Antiobesity Agents in Overweight and Obese Subjects
Conditions: Overweight;   Obesity
Interventions: Drug: pramlintide acetate;   Drug: sibutramine;   Drug: phentermine;   Drug: placebo
11 Active, not recruiting Sibutramine to Reduce Weight Gain and Improve Smoking Cessation Rates
Conditions: Cardiovascular Diseases;   Heart Diseases;   Obesity
Interventions: Drug: Sibutramine;   Behavioral: Behavioral Smoking Cessation Program
12 Completed Effect of Diet Plus Sibutramine on Hormonal and Metabolic Features in Overweight and Obese Women With PCOS
Conditions: Obesity;   Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Intervention: Drug: Sibutramine
13 Completed A Study to Examine the Efficacy and Safety of Meridia® (Sibutramine Hydrochloride) in Binge-Eating Disorder
Conditions: Binge Eating Disorder;   Obesity
Intervention: Drug: sibutramine
14 Completed Sibutramine Versus Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Patients
Conditions: Obstructive Sleep Apnea;   Obesity;   Hypertension
Interventions: Drug: Sibutramine;   Device: CPAP
15 Completed Pharmacodynamic Effects of Sibutramine on Gastric Function in Obesity
Conditions: Obesity;   Overweight
Intervention: Drug: sibutramine
16 Completed A Study of Nasal PYY3-36 and Placebo for Weight Loss in Obese Subjects
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Drug: Nasal Placebo;   Drug: Placebo Capsule;   Drug: PYY3-36;   Drug: PYY3-36;   Drug: PYY3-36;   Drug: Sibutramine
17 Completed The Assessment of a Weight-Gain Agent for the Treatment of Olanzapine-Associated Anti-Obesity Agent in Patients With Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Bipolar I Disorder
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Psychotic Disorders;   Bipolar Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Sibutramine
18 Completed A Study Of 6-Month Duration To Evaluate The Weight Loss Effect Of Various Doses Of CP-945,598 In Obese Subjects
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Drug: CP-945,598;   Drug: sibutramine
19 Completed A Comparative Study of KES524 in Patients With Obesity Disease
Condition: Obesity
Intervention: Drug: Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate
20 Active, not recruiting LOSS- Louisiana Obese Subjects Study
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Behavioral: group sessions;   Drug: sibutramine, orlistat, diethylpropion;   Behavioral: Low Calorie Diet, Health One;   Other: Intensive Medical Combination Therapy for Obesity;   Other: Control Condition

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