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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2000Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Robust Extraction of Text in Video
Antani S, Crandall D, Kasturi R
International Conference of Pattern Recognition. 2000 Sept.;1:1445-9.
Despite advances in the archiving of digital video, we are still unable to efficiently search and retrieve the portions that interest us. Video indexing by shot segmentation has been a proposed solution and several research efforts are seen in the literature. Shot segmentation alone cannot solve the problem of content based access to video. Recognition of text in video has been proposed as an additional feature. Several research efforts are found in the literature for text extraction from complex images and video with applications for video indexing. In this paper we present an update of our system for detection and extraction of unconstrained variety of text from general purpose video. The text detection results from a variety of methods are fused and each single text instance is now segmented to enable it for OCR. Problems in segmenting text from video are similar to those faced detection and localization phases. Video has low resolution and the text often has poor contrast with a changing background. The proposed system applies a variety of methods and takes advantage of the temporal redundancy in video resulting in good text segmentation.