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DHHS Personalized Health Care Initiative


The Personalized Health Care Initiative will improve the safety, quality and effectiveness of healthcare for every patient in the US. By using "genomics", or the identification of genes and how they relate to drug treatment, personalized health care will enable medicine to be tailored to each person's needs.

The US Department of Health and Human Services seeks to advance this Initiative through two guiding principles:

  • Provide federal leadership supporting research addressing individual aspects of disease and disease prevention with the ultimate goal of shaping preventive and diagnostic care to match each person's unique genetic characteristics.
  • Create a "network of networks" to aggregate anonymous health care data to help researchers establish patterns and identify genetic "definitions" to existing diseases.


  1. Link Clinical and Genomic Information to Support Personalized Health Care.
  2. Protect individuals from discrimination based or unauthorized use of genetic information.
  3. Ensure the accuracy and clinical validity of genetic tests performed for medical application purposes.
  4. Develop common policies for access to genomic databases for federally sponsored programs.

Last modified:
12 May 2008
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