National Institute on Aging
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Research Programs
Clinical Research Branch
The overall goals of the Clinical Research Branch (CRB) are: 1) the conduct of major longitudinal studies of aging including the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging (BLSA) and the Healthy Aging in Neighborhoods of Diversity across the Life Span (HANDLS) studies; 2) to support and carry out translational research in the major areas of clinical research focus of NIA Intramural Research Program laboratories including longitudinal studies and interventional trials with a focus on cardiology, neurology, endocrinology and oncology disease areas. In the latter, the branch: 1) provides the infrastructure needed to promote high quality clinical research and to ensure patient safety including: protocol review, clinic infrastructure, nursing and physician support, clinical informatics, data and safety management; 2) monitors and maintains quality assurance of the intramural clinical research program; 3) develops and implements clinical program priorities, allocates clinical resources; 4) integrates the established research themes and projects with clinical relevance from various IRP laboratories and branches; 5) evaluates program effectiveness and represents the IRP in management and scientific decision-making meetings within the Institute; 6) coordinates the credentialing of health care providers within the Institute; 7) coordinates and provides clinical research training for NIA staff and fellows and 8) develops novel approaches for carrying out translational research in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
Ongoing research projects within the branch include: two large longitudinal studies, the BLSA and HANDLS; studies of factors predisposing patients to osteoarthritis and evaluation of muscular changes contributing to disability from this disease and studies of neuromuscular/strength changes with aging. The NIA IRP Cytapheresis Unit is also a part of CRB. This unit conducts cytapheresis on BLSA participants and other normal volunteers providing important clinical research materials (T-cells, B-cells) to program investigators examining immunosenescence, the role of telomeres in human aging and other age related research. In addition, the CRB supports all other clinical studies conducted within the NIA IRP through provision of Protocol Support, Pharmacy Support and Clinical Core Laboratory Support under the Office of the Clinical Director and Nursing Support under the Clinical Support Section of the Branch.
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Updated: Thursday October 11, 2007