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NIBIB FY 2007 Funding Strategy - Revised August 20, 2007

For FY 2007, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) received an appropriation of $296,810,000 to support research and training programs. Our goal is to fund the largest number of meritorious projects possible while maintaining the flexibility needed to support selected program priorities and to respond to emerging scientific opportunities.

To maximize our support of meritorious applications, NIBIB has instituted a policy of reductions to individual grants. For FY 2007, the reductions and the pay lines for different grant mechanisms are indicated on the table below. The information in this table represents a projected pay line and is subject to revision. No conclusions about the funding of any particular grant should be based on this table. If you have questions about your particular grant contact your Program Director. R01 applications from new investigators are supported to a higher percentile ranking as described in the New Investigator Policy.

For the NIH Fiscal Operation Plan for FY 2007, see http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-07-030.html.

Note: BRP and P41 grants will be funded for 5 years if requested. Other R01 awards will be limited to 4 years.

Mechanism Percent or Priority Score (Grants Without Percentile) Reduction in Budget (%)
R01 except BRP 19% + 10%
R21 19% 0
R15, R03 175 0
BRP # Negotiated (target 20%)
P41 # Negotiated (target 20%)
P01 # Negotiated (target 20%)
R33 and R21/R33 155 15% for R33 or R33 phase of R21/R33
F31 ##
F32 ##
F33 ##
T32 *
K01, K08, K23, K24 **
K25 **
K99/R00  NIBIB will fund up to 5 awards
SBIR ***
STTR ****

+ For new investigators the percentile will be 5% higher or 24%.

# P41, BRP and P01 applications will be considered on a case by case basis. NIBIB anticipates funding four to five new BRP or P01 grants and one to two new P41 grants in FY07.

## F awards are highly competitive and no fixed payline exists. A limited number of awards are available for highly meritorious applications.

* NIBIB anticipates funding up to four new T32 awards in FY07.

** New K awards will be highly competitive. NIBIB anticipates funding a total of three new K awards in FY07.

*** Payline will be adjusted to meet the set aside. Current estimate is a pay line between 170 and 180.

**** Payline will be adjusted to meet the set aside.

Select Pay

  • Select Pay lists will be developed at each Council.

Adjustments to Non-Competing Awards

RPG  and Center Non-Competing Continuations Fund at 97.1% of FY07 committed level. Future years will receive the same adjustment.
SBIR and STTR No adjustment
K, F, and T
No adjustment


Last reviewed on: 10/10/2007

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