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Medical and Dental School

Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) - The Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) is a small, year-long program designed to attract the most creative, research-oriented medical and dental students to the NIH. Participants, known as fellows, spend a year engaged in a mentored clinical research project in an area that matches their personal interests and goals. (National Institutes of Health)
HHMI-NIH Research Scholars Program - Research Scholars spend nine months to a year on the NIH campus, conducting basic, translational or applied biomedical research under the direct mentorship of senior NIH research scientists. (National Institutes of Health and Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
Interim or Year-Off IRTA Fellowship Program - Interim or Year-Off Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Fellowships are designed to augment the educational preparation and development of future scientists by supporting a period of research training in laboratories at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland and selected off-campus locations. To be eligible, candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have been accepted or are currently enrolled in graduate, doctoral or medical degree programs in accredited U.S. universities.  In addition they must have written permission from their school to delay matriculation or to interrupt their current educational program in order to spend a year in training at the NIH. (National Institutes of Health)
Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities - A National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases program for underrepresented minority students interested in exploring career opportunities in allergy, immunology and infectious diseases. Students are introduced to research and training opportunities in the Division of Intramural Research and the Vaccine Research Center. (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
NCI StarCatcher - (National Cancer Institute)
NIH Clinical Electives Program - The NIH Clinical Electives Program offers a full complement of elective rotations for third- and fourth-year students in medical and dental schools. Participants in the electives program have an opportunity to gain firsthand experience in the design, conduct and management of clinical trials.  Students are also introduced to translational medicine--the first step that research takes from the bench to the bedside. (National Institutes of Health)
NIH Summer Research Fellowship Program - The NIH Summer Research Fellowship Program is open to first- second- and third-year medical and dental students who are interested in pursuing careers in biomedical research. The goal of this program is to match the research interests of the student with a laboratory where those interests might be pursued. (National Institutes of Health)
Research Supplements for Individuals with Disabilities - These NIH administrative supplements are awarded to Principal Investigators to extend opportunities to individuals with qualifying disabilities who are capable of entering or resuming research careers. Under this initiative the NIH will offer supplemental awards to certain ongoing research grants to encourage individuals with disabilities to pursue biomedical, behavioral, clinical or social science research careers. (National Institutes of Health)
Year-Off Program for Graduate or Medical Students - These programs are designed to provide research training at the NIH for students who are enrolled in graduate or medical degree programs and have permission from their institution to interrupt their current education, with the understanding that they will return to their degree granting institution within one year. (National Institutes of Health)

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