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New Scientific and Health Sites - August 2008

Alternative Medicine
Integrative Practitioner
Non-Federal Website: Integrative Practitioner provides access to studies, protocols, articles, news, research, and more on the subject of alternatives to conventional medical interventions. The site also offers a forum for peer-to-peer discussion of integrative medical research and other collaborative and networking services.

Non-Federal Website: A service of Nature Publishing Group, Postgenomic collects and organizes feeds from hundreds of science blogs. Categories for access include reviews of papers, conference reports, and original research. Literature (papers and books) may be filtered by date added, date published, or popularity. The "Zeitgeist" page provides a statistical overview for all Postgenomic content and includes statistics for "Top Blogs," "Top Publishers," and "Top Tags" submitted by users. Descriptions of most items may be exported directly to Connotea, a web-based reference management tool.

Science, Social Sciences
Non-Federal Website: Powered by Scopus™, one of the largest abstract and citation databases, TopCited provides an overview of the top 20 cited articles in various subjects for the past three, four, or five years.  Results are displayed on Google Maps, with the first author’s affiliation as the point of reference. TopCited is a benefit of the HSRL's subscription to Scopus.

To view the complete list of resources alphabetically by title, go to Research Tools > Internet Resources. You may choose to see them by subject.  

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