About Us
Mission statement, staff listing, contact information.
Science Policy
NIH policy on cloning, human embryo research, fetal tissue research, stem cell research.
Congressional justification and NIH planning and evaluation officers.
HIPAA Privacy Rule and Research
The first comprehensive Federal protection for the privacy of personal health information.
NIH Information Quality
Guidelines for ensuring the quality of information that NIH disseminates to the public.
Economic Studies Program
Analyses of the economic implications of the NIH's research program.
NIH Task-Order Contract with the National Academies
Learn how the contract facilitates funding of Academy activities and the steps involved in using it.
Policy Fellowship Programs
Information about fellowships and internships in health, science, and technology policy.
Biomarker publications, knowledge systems, research programs, presentations.
NIH Program on Public-Private Partnerships
Guidance and advice to NIH and potential partners on the formation of partnerships that leverage NIH and non-NIH resources.
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