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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2006Adobe Acrobat Reader
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BabelMeSH: Development of a Cross-Language Tool for MEDLINE/PubMed
Liu F, Fontelo P, Ackerman MJ
Proc. AMIA 2006, American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD, pg. 1012, 2006
BabelMeSH is a cross-language tool for searching MEDLINE/PubMed. Queries can be submitted as single terms or complex phrases in French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Citations are sent to the user in English. It uses a smart parser interface with a medical terms database in MySQL. Perliminary evaluation using compound key words in foreign language medical journals showed an accuracy of 68%, 60%, and 51% for French, Spanish, and Portuguese, respectively. Development is continuing.