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  • Youle RJ, Strasser A. (2008) The BCL-2 protein family: opposing activities that mediate cell death , Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 9, 47-59 .
  • Norris KL, Youle RJ. (2008) Cytomegalovirus proteins vMIA and m38.5 link mitochondrial morphogenesis to Bcl-2 family proteins., J Virol 82(13), 6232-43.
  • Suen DF, Norris KL, Youle RJ. (2008) Mitochondrial dynamics and apoptosis., Genes Dev. Jun 15;22(12), 1577-90.
  • Antignani A, Youle RJ. (2008) Endosome fusion induced by diphtheria toxin translocation domain., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105, 8020-5.
  • Karbowski M, Neutzner A, Youle RJ (2007) The mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH5 is required for DrpI dependent mitochondrial division , J Cell Biol 178, 71-84.
  • Goyal G, Fell B, Sarin A, Youle RJ, Sriram V. (2007) Role of mitochondrial remodeling in programmed cell death in Drosophila melanogaster , Dev. Cell 12, 80716.
  • Karbowski, Norris KL, Cleland MM,Jeong SY, Youle RJ. (2006) Role of Bax and Bak in Mitochodrial Morphogenesis. , Nature 443, 658-62.