ORD co-sponsored Scientific Conferences

Co-funding Institute(s):  National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Workshops
March 22, 2009 - March 27, 2009
Yosemite, CA, United States
Contact for additional information: Dr. Randall Stewart, NINDS 301-496-1917

The specific objectives of this workshop are to: 1. Accelerate completion of the genome of common and rare epilepsies and unravel their disease producing mechanisms. 2. Stimulate translation of disease mechanisms of epilepsies into molecular mechanisms of therapeutics that can lead to genomics-based drugs against epileptogenesis, individualized pharmacogenomics, gene and iRNA therapy and stem cell therapy and other approaches that constitute cures and repairs for the epilepsies. 3. Recruit new talent and optimize available talent by promoting the involvement of young investigators, women, minorities and persons with disabilities.

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