ORD co-sponsored Scientific Conferences

Co-funding Institute(s):  National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Safe and Effective Instruments and Devices for Use in NICU
February 12, 2009 - February 13, 2009
Bethesda North Marriott and Conference Center or 6100 Executive Blvd., Bethesda, MD, United States
Contact for additional information: Dr. Tonse N. K. Raju, NICHD 301-402-1872

The goals are this meeting is: 1. Stimulate academic and industry partnership that will lead to development of safe and effective instrumentation for use in neonatal ICU, and minimize long-term neurodevelopmental disabilities, including CP and learning disabilities.2. The presentations and discussions will be summarized in a manuscript for publication in a refereed journal, read by both the engineering community and the academic community, further stimulating research in this field. 3. To help the program staff at NICHD to formulating the above mentioned RFA more effectively.

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