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K01 Research Scientist Development Award - Research & Training
For support of a scientist, committed to research, in need of both advanced research training and additional experience.
Program Announcements
K05Research Scientist Award
For the support of a research scientist qualified to pursue independent research which would extend the research program of the sponsoring institution, or to direct an essential part of this research program.
Program Announcements
K07 Academic/Teacher Award (ATA)
To create and encourage a stimulating approach to disease curricula that will attract high quality students, foster academic career development of promising young teacher-investigators, develop and implement excellent multidisciplinary curricula through interchange of ideas and enable the grantee institution to strengthen its existing teaching program.
Program Announcements NCI Guidelines
K08Clinical Investigator Award (CIA)
To provide the opportunity for promising medical scientists with demonstrated aptitude to develop into independent investigators, or for faculty members to pursue research aspects of categorical areas applicable to the awarding unit, and aid in filling the academic faculty gap in these shortage areas within health profession's institutions of the country.
Program Announcements NCI Guidelines
K12Career Transition Award
To provide support to outstanding newly trained basic or clinical investigators to develop their independent research skills through a two phase program; an initial period involving and intramural appointment at the NIH and a final period of support at an extramural institution. The award is intended to facilitate the establishment of a record of independent research by the investigator in order to sustain or promote a successful research career.
Program Announcements Supplement Guidelines
K22Career Transition Award
To provide support to outstanding newly trained basic or clinical investigators to develop their independent research skills through a two phase program; an initial period involving and intramural appointment at the NIH and a final period of support at an extramural institution. The award is intended to facilitate the establishment of a record of independent research by the investigator in order to sustain or promote a successful research career.
Program Announcements
K23Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award
To provide support for the career development of investigators who have made a commitment of focus their research endeavors on patient-oriented research. This mechanism provides support for a 3 year minimum up to 5 year period of supervised study and research for clinically trained professionals who have the potential to develop into productive, clinical investigators.
Program Announcements
K24Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research
To provide support for the clinicians to allow them protected time to devote to patient-oriented research and to act as mentors for beginning clinical investigators.
Program Announcements
To support recipient sponsored and directed international, national or regional meetings, conferences and workshops.
NIH Guide Notice
R15Academic Research Enhancement Awards (AREA)
To support small scale research projects conducted by faculty in primarily baccalaureate degree-granting domestic institutions. Awards are for up to $75,000 for direct costs (plus applicable indirect costs) for periods not to exceed 36 months.
Program Announcements
R24Resource-Related Research Projects
To support research projects that will enhance the capability of resources to serve biomedical research.
Program Announcements
R25Education Projects
For support to develop and/or implement a program as it relates to a category in one or more of the areas of education, information, training, technical assistance, coordination, or evaluation.
Program Announcements NCI Guidelines
Supplements to R25T Guidelines
U10 Cooperative Clinical Research--Cooperative Agreements
To support clinical evaluation of various methods of therapy and/or prevention in specific disease areas. These represent cooperative programs between sponsoring institutions and participating principal investigators, and are usually conducted under established protocols.
Program Announcements

National Cancer InstituteNational Cancer Institute (NCI) National Institutes of HealthNational Institutes of Health (NIH)Health & Human ServicesDepartment of Health & Human Services (DHHS)
