Description of PROMIS Domain Framework

This graphic illustrates the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Domain Framework. A hierarchy of categories and sub-categories is shown. The top category is "Self-reported Health". Under it are "Physical Health", "Mental Health", and "Social Health". Under those categories are types of function or other aspects that contribute to those types of health, and in the levels beneath that are specific conditions or behaviors that are relevant to each of those aspects. Of a total of 52 items on the chart, nine are marked "PROMIS v1.0 bank", 14 are marked "CaPS or U Pitt bank in development", four are marked "PROMIS area tested but no bank developed for v1.0", 18 are marked "Area addressed (in part) by bank within lineage", and the remaining seven are marked "Area not addressed yet". More information about the PROMIS Domain Framework may be available on the PROMIS Web site.

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