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U.S. National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute

Fast Stats Resources

Fast Stats is an interactive tool for quick access to key SEER and US cancer statistics for major cancer sites by age, sex, race/ethnicity and data type. The following links provide information about the data that is presented in Fast Stats analyses.

Overview of the SEER Program
Provides an overview of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Cancer Institute.

SEER Data, 1973-2005
Provides details about the cancer incidence data collected by the SEER program.

US Mortality Data
Provides details about the US Mortality data that is collected and maintained by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

US Population Data
Provides details about the county population estimates used in the Fast Stat analyses.

Standard Population Data
Provides details about the age distributions used as weights to create age-adjusted statistics.

SEER Site Recode
The cancer sites included for cancer incidence analyses are a combination of primary site and histology. A detailed list of these definitions and historical definitions can be found here.

SEER Coding and Staging Manuals
Provides codes and coding instructions for the SEER data and extent of disease.

SEER Cause of Death Recode
The cancer sites included for cancer mortality analyses are based on ICD-O-10 coding. A detailed list of these definitions and historical definitions can be found here.

SEER Race Recode Changes
Provides details about how the race and ethnicity values are coded for the SEER Incidence data and the NCHS Mortality data.

Glossary of Statistical Terms
Provides definitions for terminology used in Fast Stats and throughout the SEER website.