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Fixed-Price Construction Contract
Reg Clause Date Clause Title
FAR   52.202-1 Jul 2004 Definitions (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.203-3 Apr 1984 Gratuities (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.203-5 Apr 1984 Covenant Against Contingent Fees (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.203-6 Sep 2006 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.203-7 Jul 1995 Anti-Kickback Procedures (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.203-8 Jan 1997 Cancellation, Rescission, and Recovery of Funds for Illegal or Improper Activity (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.203-10 Jan 1997 Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.203-12 Sep 2007 Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.204-4 Aug 2000 Printed or Copied Double-Sided on Recycled Paper (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.204-7 Apr 2008 Central Contractor Registration
FAR   52.204-10 Sep 2007 Reporting Subcontract Awards ($500,000,000 or more)
FAR   52.209-6 Sep 2006 Protecting the Government's Interests When Subcontracting With Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (Over $30,000)
FAR   52.215-2 Jun 1999 Audit and Records - Negotiation (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.215-8 Oct 1997 Order of Precedence - Uniform Contract Format
FAR   52.215-10 Oct 1997 Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data (Over $650,000)
FAR   52.215-12 Oct 1997 Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data (Over $650,000)
FAR   52.215-15 Oct 2004 Pension Adjustments and Asset Reversions
FAR   52.215-18 Jul 2005 Reversion or Adjustment of Plans for Post-Retirement Benefits (PRB) other than Pensions
FAR   52.215-19 Oct 1997 Notification of Ownership Changes
FAR   52.215-21 Oct 1997 Requirements for Cost or Pricing Data or Information Other Than Cost or Pricing Data - Modifications
FAR   52.216-7 Dec 2002 Allowable Cost and Payment, Alternate I (Feb 1997)
FAR   52.219-8 May 2004 Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.219-9 Apr 2008 Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Over $550,000, $1,000,000 for Construction)
FAR   52.219-16 Jan 1999 Liquidated Damages - Subcontracting Plan (Over $550,000, $1,000,000 for Construction)
FAR   52.222-3 Jun 2003 Convict Labor
FAR   52.222-4 Jul 2005 Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - Overtime Compensation (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.222-6 Jul 2005 Davis-Bacon Act
FAR   52.222-7 Feb 1988 Withholding of Funds
FAR   52.222-8 Feb 1988 Payrolls and Basic Records
FAR   52.222-9 Jul 2005 Apprentices and Trainees
FAR   52.222-10 Feb 1988 Compliance with Copeland Act Requirements
FAR   52.222-11 Jul 2005 Subcontracts (Labor Standards)
FAR   52.222-12 Feb 1988 Contract Termination - Debarment
FAR   52.222-13 Feb 1988 Compliance with Davis-Bacon and Related Act Regulations
FAR   52.222-14 Feb 1988 Disputes Concerning Labor Standards
FAR   52.222-15 Feb 1988 Certification of Eligibility
FAR   52.222-21 Feb 1999 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities
FAR   52.222-26 Mar 2007 Equal Opportunity
FAR   52.222-35 Sep 2006 Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.222-36 Jun 1998 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities
FAR   52.222-37 Sep 2006 Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.222-50 Aug 2007 Combating Trafficking in Persons
FAR   52.223-5 Aug 2003 Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know Information
FAR   52.223-6 May 2001 Drug-Free Workplace
FAR   52.223-14 Aug 2003 Toxic Chemical Release Reporting (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.225-13 Jun 2008 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases
FAR   52.227-1 Dec 2007 Authorization and Consent
FAR   52.227-2 Dec 2007 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement
FAR   52.227-4 Dec 2007 Patent Indemnity - Construction Contracts
FAR   52.228-1 Sep 1996 Bid Guarantee - The amount of the bid guarantee shall be ___ percent of the bid price or $_____ whichever is less.
FAR   52.228-2 Jun 1996 Additional Bond Security
FAR   52.228-5 Jan 1997 Insurance - Work on a Government Installation (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.228-11 Feb 1992 Pledge of Assets
FAR   52.228-14 Jun 1996 Irrevocable Letter of Credit
FAR   52.228-15 Nov 2006 Performance and Payment Bonds - Construction (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.229-3 Apr 2003 Federal, State and Local Taxes (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.232-5 Sep 2002 Payments Under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts
FAR   52.232-17 Oct 2008 Interest (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.232-23 Jan 1986 Assignment of Claims
FAR   52.232-27 Oct 2008 Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts
FAR   52.232-33 Oct 2003 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Central Contractor Registration
FAR   52.233-1 Jul 2002 Disputes
FAR   52.233-3 Aug 1996 Protest After Award
FAR   52.233-4 Oct 2004 Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim
FAR   52.236-1 Apr 1984 Performance of Work by the Contractor (Over $1,000,000) The Contractor shall perform on the site, and with its own organization, work equivalent to at least ___% of the total amount of work to be performed under the contract.
FAR   52.236-2 Apr 1984 Differing Site Conditions (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-3 Apr 1984 Site Investigations and Conditions Affecting the Work (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-5 Apr 1984 Material and Workmanship
FAR   52.236-6 Apr 1984 Superintendence by the Contractor (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-7 Nov 1991 Permits and Responsibilities
FAR   52.236-8 Apr 1984 Other Contracts (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-9 Apr 1984 Protection of Existing Vegetation, Structures, Equipment, Utilities and Improvements (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-10 Apr 1984 Operations and Storage Areas (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-11 Apr 1984 Use and Possession Prior to Completion (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-12 Apr 1984 Cleaning Up (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-13 Nov 1991 Accident Prevention (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-14 Apr 1984 Availability and Use of Utility Services
FAR   52.236-15 Apr 1984 Schedules for Construction Contracts (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-17 Apr 1984 Layout of Work
FAR   52.236-21 Feb 1997 Specifications and Drawings for Construction (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.236-26 Feb 1995 Preconstruction Conference
FAR   52.242-13 Jul 1995 Bankruptcy (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.242-14 Apr 1984 Suspension of Work
FAR   52.243-4 Jun 2007 Changes (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.243-5 Apr 1984 Changes and Changed Conditions ($100,000 or less)
FAR   52.244-6 Dec 2008 Subcontracts for Commercial Items
FAR   52.246-12 Aug 1996 Inspection of Construction (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.248-3 Sep 2006 Value Engineering - Construction (Over $100,000)
FAR   52.249-2 May 2004 Termination for Convenience of the Government (Fixed-Price), Alternate I (Sep 1996)
FAR   52.249-10 Apr 1984 Default (Fixed-Price Construction)
FAR   52.253-1 Jan 1991 Computer Generated Forms
HHSAR   352.202-1 Jan 2006 Definitions
HHSAR   352.232-9 Jan 2006 Withholding of Contract Payments
HHSAR   352.270-4 Jan 2001 Pricing of Adjustments
HHSAR   352.270-5 Jan 2006 Key Personnel
HHSAR   352.270-6 Jan 2006 Publications and Publicity
HHSAR   352.270-10 Jan 2006 Anti-Lobbying (Over $100,000)