Office of Public Health and Science (OPHS) Honor Awards Ceremony


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Air date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 4:00:00 PM
Category: Special
Description: The OPHS Honor Awards Ceremony is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2008, in the Great Hall of the Hubert H. Humphrey Building, starting at 1:00pm. The purpose of this awards ceremony is to recognize and honor OPHS employees (civilian and members of the USPHS Commissioned Corps) for outstanding achievement or services in the performance of official duties. The ceremony will be hosted by ADM Joxel Garcia, Assistant Secretary for Health; he will present awards to staff who have been approved to receive Assistant Secretary for Health Honor Awards. RADM Steven Galson, Acting Surgeon General, USPHS, is scheduled to present awards to members of the USPHS Commissioned Corps who have been approved to be recognized at this ceremony. ADM Garcia will participate in the presentation of the awards to members of the USPHS Commissioned Corps.

For more information, visit:
Author: Dr. Anand Parekh, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health (Science and Medicine), and RADM Robert Williams, Acting Deputy Surgeon General
Runtime: 90 minutes
CIT File ID: 14779
CIT Live ID: 7301
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