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April 27, 2005, NIH Plain Language Awards
IC/OD Author Product
NICHD Andrea Young
Rozita La Gorce Green
Christina Stile, ELS, MAPW
Paula Young Shelton
Academy for Educational Development
An Activity Book For African American Families: Helping Children Cope With Crisis
NCI Lorelei DiSogra, Ed.D.
Alexis Williams, M.P.H., CHES
Riffenburgh & Associates
Porter Novelli
Body And Soul: A Celebration Of Healthy Eating And Living – A Guide For Your Church
NLM Sue Voss
Manon Parry, M.A., M.Sc.
Patricia Tuohy
Jiwon Kim
Second Story
Changing The Face Of Medicine Engagement Calendar, Brochure, Exhibit, And Web Site
CC David Henderson, M.D.
Angela Michelin, M.P.H.
Annette Booze
Elizabeth Curnow, M.P.H.
MaryAnn Bordner, M.S.
Jennifer Ball, B.S.
Maggi White, M.S.
Mickey Hanlon, B.S.
Diane Croyle
Barbara Fahey, B.S.N., M. PH., C.I.C.
Clinical Center Infection Control Guidelines Flipchart
NEI Karen Silver, M.P.H.
Anna Harper
Linda Huss
El Glaucoma, La Degeneración Macular Relacionada Con La Edad, Las Cataratas, Y La Retinopatía Diabética
NIDDK Leslie Curtis, M.A.
Susan Yanovski, M.D.
Van Hubbard, M.D., Ph.D.
Lorrie Fritz
Energize Yourself And Your Family
NEI Karen Silver, M.P.H.
Linda Huss
Lo Bello Entra Por Los Ojos
OCPL John Burklow
Karin Rudolph
Cori Vanchieri
NIH Overview Of Research Activities
NIA/NLM/NCI Jane Shure, B.A.
Stephanie Dailey, M.A.
Eve-Marie Lacroix, M.S.
Joyce Backus, M.S.L.S.
Kathleen Cravedi, M.S.
Simon Liu, Ph.D.
Wei Ma, M.S.
Rebecca Tyler, M.L.I.S.
Janice McPeak, M.L.I.S.
Dale Schalow, B.S.
Winston Churchill
Terry Luedtke, B.S.
Michael Miller, B.A., M.S., M.P.H.
Elizabeth Freedman, M.P.H., M.S.W.
Jennifer Wenger, B.S., M.A.
Roger Morrell, Ph.D.
NIH Senior Health
Andrea Furia
Marian Willinger, Ph.D.
John Kattwinkel, M.D.
Safe Sleep For Baby: Reduce The Risk Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
NIDDK Mary Hoskin, R.D., M.S.
Shandiin Begay, M.P.H.
Sue Murphy, R.D., M.P.H.
Sandra Sangster, B.S.
Small Steps For A Healthier Future: Messages Of Hope
NCI Lorna Patrick, M.S.W.
Helen Osborne, M.Ed., OTR/L
Donna Bonner
Susan Spangler
Paul LaMasters
Taking Time: Support For People With Cancer And The People Who Care About Them
NEI Rosemary Janiszewski, M.S., CHES
Linda Huss
Track Magnet And Poster
NCI Margo Michaels, M.P.H.
Heather LaBelle, M.A.
Wendy Mettger, M.A.
Mary Ann Van Duyn, Ph.D.
Donna Bonner
Susan Spangler
Paul LaMasters
Riffenburgh and Associates
Understanding Breast Changes: A Health Guide For Women
NCI Donna Kerrigan, M.S.
Jeanne Kelly, B.F.A.
Understanding Molecular Diagnostics
NCI & NIDCR Geriann Piazza, M.A.
Linda Slan, M.S.
Mary Daum
Isabel García, D.D.S., M.P.H.
What You Need To Know About Oral Cancer
NINDS Marian Emr
Margo Warren
What You Need To Know About A Stroke
CC Pat McNees, B.A.
Judy Rasminsky, B.A.
Michael Dolan
Colleen Henrichsen, B.A.
Bench To Bedside And Back: The NIH Clinical Center At 50
NCI & NIEHS Nancy Nelson, M.S.
Ellen Eisner, B.A.
George Lucier, Ph.D.
Ronald Melnick, Ph.D.
David Longfellow, Ph.D.
Michael Alavanja, Ph.D.
Diane Bloom, Ph.D.
Susan Sieber, Ph.D. (deceased)
Cancer And The Environment: What You Need To Know, What You Can Do
CC Wendy Schubert, Sc.M. Centro Clínico Del NIH Manual Del Paciente “Quartet”
NCI Susan Cooper, M.Sc.
Medicom Digital, Inc.
CGAP Website Virtual Tour
NIAID Maya Hadar, B.A. Checklists For Applicants And Grantees
OER Cheryl Fells, B.S. Grants Information Training Manual
NCI Margo Michaels, M.P.H.
Rose Mary Padberg, R.N., M.A.
Anne Ryan, R.N.
Kara Smigel-Crocker
If You Want To Find Ways To Prevent Cancer, Learn About Prevention Clinical Trials
NICHD Christine Stile, ELS, MAPW Managing Gestational Diabetes
NIDA Jan Lipkin
Sheryl Massaro
Brian Marquis
Mark Fleming
Joan Nolan
Patricia Thomas
NIDA Goes Back To School
NIEHS Liam O’ Fallon, M.A.
Beth Anderson
Sharon Beard
Michael Humble, Ph.D.
Kimberly Thigpen-Tart
Susan Booker
Marian Johnson-Thompson, Ph.D.
John Peterson
Lou Rozier
Gerard Roman
Stephanie Holmgren
Bill Jirles, M.P.H.
Marcia Soward
Charle League
Darlene Dixon, Ph.D.
Jacqueline Locklear, D.V.M.
NIEHS Environmental Health Science Education
NIDCR Patricia Sheridan
National Oral Health Information
Clearinghouse Staff
Karina Boehm, M.P.H.
Karen Jackler, M.P.H.
Practical Oral Care For People With Developmental Disabilities
NIDDK TaWanna Berry, M.A.
Joanne Gallivan, M.S., R.D.
Jasmine Henderson
Rachel Greenberg
Darcy Sawatzki
Susan Hager
Garry Curtis
Small Steps. Big Rewards. Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
NCI Jacqueline Stoddard, Ph.D.
Erik Auguston, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Kelly Blake, M.S., CHES
Patty Mabry, Ph.D.
Scott Leischow, Ph.D.
Carol Noel, M.P.H., CHES
Rachel Grana, B.S.H.S.
smokefree.gov Version II
OCPL Harrison Wein, Ph.D.
Bobbi Bennett
Mary Sullivan
Colette Hochstein, D.M.D., M.L.S.
Carol Torgan, Ph.D.
The NIH Word On Health (12/03)
OSP Bruce Fuchs, Ph.D.
William Mowczko, M.A.
Bonnie Kalberer, M.S.
Cindy Allen, M.A.
Roger Hartman, M.A.
Jason Lazarow, M.Ed.
Understanding Alcohol
NCI Rhonda Wilt DeJoice, B.A.
Sona Thakkar, M.A.
Susan Spangler
Donna Bonner
Paul LaMasters
Riffenburgh and Associates
Understanding Prostate Changes: A Health Guide For Men
NHBLI Julie Tu, M.S., CHES
Matilde Alvarado, R.N., M.S.N.
Vietnamese Aspire For Healthy Hearts Fact Sheet Series
NIDDK Kathy Kranzfelder, M.A.
National Diabetes Information
Clearinghouse Staff
What I Need To Know About Gestational Diabetes
NIDDK Elisa Gladstone, M.P.H.
Thomas Hostetter, M.D.
The Hill Group
Equals 3 Communications
You Have The Power To Prevent Kidney Disease: A Health Education Video
NIDDK Joanne Gallivan, M.S., R.D.
Hager Sharp, Inc.
4 Steps To Control Your Diabetes For Life
NIGMS Alison Davis, Ph.D.
Dan Hogan
Jennifer White
A Sting Of Love
NIDCR Marian Young, Ph.D. Bones And Teeth: “How To Make A Skeleton"
NIGMS Alisa Zapp Machalek, M.S. Bugging The Bugs
NIDDK Leslie Curtis, M.A.
Susan Yanovski, M.D.
Van Hubbard, M.D., Ph.D.
Lorrie Fritz
Celebrate The Beauty Of Youth
NICHD Robert Bock, M.A. Children Follow Same Steps To Learn Vocabulary, Regardless Of Language Spoken
NIDCR Isabel García, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Karina Boehm, M.P.H.
Mary Daum
The Media Network
Enfermedad De Las Encías O Enfermedad Periodontal
NHLBI Julie Tu, M.S., CHES
Matilde Alvarado, R.N., M.S.N.
Filipinos Aspire For Healthy Hearts Fact Sheet Series
NHLBI Julie Tu, M.S., CHES
Matilde Alvarado, R.N., M.S.N.
Filipinos Take It To Heart: A How-To Guide For Bringing Heart Health To Your Community
NIA Glaceria Brown Mason Fitness For Life Exercise Bus Public Service Ad
NIAAA Fred Donodeo, M.P.A.
Ralph Hingson, Sc.D., M.P.H.
Gregory Roa, M.A.
From Research To Practice: Bringing Science To U.S. Alcohol Policy
NIDDK Elisa Gladstone, M.P.H.
Thomas Hostetter, M.D.
The Hill Group
Equals 3 Communication
Help Your Family Prevent Kidney Failure
NIAID Maya Hadar, B.A.
Carol Wigglesworth, B.A.
Paul Williams, B.A.
How To Write An Application Involving Research Animals
OSP Bruce Fuchs, Ph.D.
William Mowczko, M.A.
Cindy Allen, M.A.
Bonnie Kalberer, M.S.
Marin Allen, Ph.D.
Jennifer Wenger, M.A.
How Your Brain Understands What Your Ear Hears
OCPL John Burklow
Karin Rudolph
Improving Health Through Discovery
CC María Radulovic
José Rosado Santiago
Language Interpreting Service
NCI LaSalle Leffall, Jr., M.D.
Lance Armstrong
Margaret Kripke, Ph.D.
Suzanne Reuben, M.S.
Maureen Wilson, Ph.D.
Karen Parker, M.S.W.
Living Beyond Cancer: Finding A New Balance
NIGMS Ann Dieffenbach, B.A.
Laurie Tompkins, Ph.D.
Jean Chin, Ph.D.
Richard Okita, Ph.D.
Derrick Tabor, Ph.D.
Message To NIGMS Investigators
OCPL Rich McManus, B.A. New Hospital Gets Ready For Opening Day
CC Wendy Schubert, Sc.M. NIH Clinical Center Patient Handbook “Quartet”
OCPL Dennis Rodrigues
Kristin Mead
Sarah Leavitt
Michelle Lyons
Elena Greynolds
Carol Torgan, Ph.D.
John O’Grady
NIH Health Information Page
NINDS Marian Emr
Carol Rowan
Pamela Jones
Should I Participate In A Parkinson’s Disease Clinical Trial?
NHBLI Bruce Fuchs, Ph.D.
William Mowczko, M.A.
Cindy Allen, M.A.
Sue Rogus, R.N., M.S.
Carl Hunt, M.D.
Michael Twery, Ph.D.
Sleep, Sleep Disorders, And Biological Rhythms
OCPL Carla Garnett
Calvin Jackson
Carol Torgan, Ph.D.
Mary Sullivan
Cindy Love, M.L.S.
Colette Hochstein, D.M.D., M.L.S.
Harrison Wein, Ph.D.
The NIH Word On Health (4/03)
NCI Michele Doody, M.S.
Robert Weinstock, M.A.
Bruce Alexander, Ph.D.
Diane Kampa, B.S.B.
Michal Freedman, J.D., Ph.D.
Alice Sigurdson, Ph.D.
Martha Linet, M.D., M.P.H.
Elaine Ron, Ph.D.
U.S. Radiologic Technologists Study: USRT Newsletter (Spring 2004)
OCPL Carla Garnett, M.A. Veteran Journalist Cokie Roberts Lauds Plain Language
NIDDK Kathy Kranzfelder, M.A.
National Diabetes Information
Clearinghouse Staff
What I Need To Know About Physical Activity And Diabetes

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Last updated: June 20, 2005