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Mind Over Matter - Teacher's Guide

Mind Over Matter - Teacher's Guide

Hallucinogens Activity Three

The student will learn vocabulary and facts associated with hallucinogens.

Instruct the students to complete the Hallucinogens Word Puzzle (below). The puzzle and solution to the puzzle are included in the guide.

Word Puzzle. Accessible Version.

Question 1: LSD binds tightly to and activates the receptor for what neurotransmitter? (9 letter word)

Question 2: What drug comes from a cactus plant? (9 letter word)

Question 3: What is another name for MDMA? (7 letter word)

Question 4: Neurotransmitters attach to what molecules in the cell membrane? (9 letter word)

Question 5: What is another name for LSD? (4 letter word)

Question 6: Changes in what brain structure affect breathing and heart rate? (9 letter word)

Final Question: What might result if you use either hallucinogens, or a lousy travel agent? (A three word phrase: one letter for the first word, three letters for the second word, and four letters for the third word.)

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Word Puzzle

Word Puzzle
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