NIH - Environmental Management System NIH - Environmental Management System
NIH - Environmental Management System

NIH Baltimore EMS - Environmental Policy

The environmental policies show NIA's and NIDA's commitment to protect the environment and use natural resources responsibly.

The NIA and NIDA Environmental Policies establish three important commitments:

  • Compliance with all Federal, State and local environmental laws and regulations, as well as Executive Orders;
  • Preventing pollution by minimizing the generation of wastes where possible; and
  • Continually improving the EMS to better NIH Baltimore's environmental performance.

Because of these important commitments, each employee is expected to know and understand the policy and act upon the commitments in the policy as part of their jobs.

The policy is made available to the public in order to demonstrate NIH's environmental commitment as a good neighbor.

You can download the Environmental Policies below:

Adobe PDFNIA Environmental Policy (PDF - 1 Mb)

Adobe PDFNIDA Environmental Policy (PDF - 470 Kb)

Photo of trees at NIH
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