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Call-Back Pay

Title 38 for Nurses and Allied Health Employees

Purpose of Authority

To provide a minimum of 2 hours of pay for nurses and allied health employees who are called back to the worksite.

Who is Eligible?

Employees assigned to Title 38 occupations. (See the Title 38 Occupational Coverage Chart.)


Call-back pay is paid for work performed outside regular work hours for which an employee is required to (1) remain at the worksite at the end of the specified tour, (2) return to the worksite, or (3) report on a day for which he/she was not scheduled to work. Call-back pay is paid for a minimum of two hours for each call-back.

The rate of pay for call-back work will be at the overtime rate for hours that qualify as overtime work, at the regular rate of basic pay for hours that do not qualify as overtime work, or at the holiday rate for service on a holiday.

Call-back pay begins from the time the employee reports for duty.


When an employee returns to the Clinical Center for call-back duty, he/she must sign in and out, recording the date, time, reason for call-back, and the amount of call-back duty worked. Departments should maintain records of call-back service by their employees for a period of three years.


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