

Author(s):   Lane DS, Zapka J, Breen N, Messina CR, Fotheringham DJ

Title:   A systems model of clinical preventive care: the case of breast cancer screening among older women. For the NCI Breast Cancer Screening Consortium

Journal:   Prev Med

Date:   2000 Nov

Abstract:   BACKGROUND: In older women covered by Medicare, relationships among physician recommendation, mammography in the past 2 years, and clinical breast examination (CBE) in the past year were systematically explored with a variety of predisposing, enabling, and situational factors identified in the Systems Model of Clinical Preventive Care. METHODS: A population-based survey of women age 65 years and older was conducted in five National Cancer Institute's Breast Cancer Screening Consortium geographic areas. Analyses focused on women with a regular physician and site of care (n = 5318). RESULTS: Physician recommendation and mammography use declined with women's increasing age and increased with income, education, and insurance. CBE and mammography increased with number of physicians and breast cancer family history; mammography use decreased with worsening health status. Recommendations were higher among physicians who were younger, female, and internists. Family practitioners were older and male; women who saw family practitioners reported characteristics associated with decreased screening-lower income, education, and insurance-and seeing only one physician. CONCLUSIONS: Public policy and health system changes that create a uniform system of finance and service performance expectations may reduce the persistent discrepancy in physician recommendation and mammography use due to sociodemographics and physician specialty

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