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News and Notes
February 2005

Welcome to News and Notes, our online journal of selected articles related to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM) celebrations, events, and topics of interest to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) community.


On October 4, 2004, restructuring of the NIH Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM) was officially completed. The restructuring project, which was initiated in October 2003 in response to the President's Management Agenda, the DHHS Secretary's goal for a "Singular Department," and NIH's Administrative Restructuring Advisory Committee (ARAC) mandate, consolidated the OEODM and the 27 independent Institute and Center (IC) EEO Offices into the new OEODM. Phase I included the realignment of all NIH EEO staff and payroll costs into the new OEODM Organization. Simultaneously, Phase II of the Plan, which involves a one-year transition period to address staffing, logistical, and administrative issues, was initiated.

The new OEODM, consisting of the Office of the Director and four Divisions (Program Evaluation; Policy, Planning, Programs, and Diversity Management; IC Services; and Complaints Management and Resolution), has come a long way in its accomplishments. On November 12, 2004, the OEODM finalized the realignment of staff within the new Divisions.

The new organization is unique in that the Division of Program Evaluation was created to work internally with the other Divisions to ensure that the NIH has the best EEO and Diversity Management program possible.

Organization Chart of the Restructured OEODM

Organization Chart of the OEODM:  Immediate Office of the Director, Lawrence N. Self, Director; Division of Program Evaluation, O. Marcella Haynes, Director; Division of Policy, Planning, Programs and Diversity Management, Joan Brogan, Director; Institutes and Centers Services Division, Hilda B. Dixon, Director; Division of Complaints and Management Resolution, Selina Lee, Director.









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Lawrence N. Self

Photo of Lawrence N Self, Director OEODMIt's a new year, and a newly restructured Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM) is working diligently to serve you. The OEODM is now a consolidated organization wherein all EEO functions are centralized. It is an exciting time of change. The restructuring required by the NIH Administrative Restructuring Advisory Committee offered greater potential to better serve the NIH community. You can stay informed by reading this OEODM monthly e-newsletter on the NIH Web at

In this issue, you will learn about all four OEODM Divisions. We have provided a staff listing for your speedy referral. We are committed to projecting a professional image by providing exceptional customer service and earning the respect of our customers and stakeholders. The foundation of the NIH EEO Program is built upon the essential elements of a model agency EEO Program, which are:

  • Demonstrated commitment from the agency leadership;
  • Integration of EEO into the agency's strategic mission;
  • Management and program accountability;
  • Proactive prevention of unlawful discrimination;
  • Efficiency;
  • Responsiveness and legal compliance.

In future issues of this newsletter, I will share with you the OEODM strategic plan.

Thank you for your support of the NIH EEO Program. This year promises to be the best year ever.

Lawrence N. Self
Director, Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity Management

Staff in the Immediate Office of the Director
Name Title Phone
Hyden Shen Special Assistant 301.496.9281
Patricia Ruben Administrative Officer 301.402.3680
Carolyn Bellamy Secretary 301.496.8920
LaTonya Ricks Administrative Assistant 301.496.6301

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The Division of Program Evaluation

Photo of O. Marcella Haynes

O. Marcella Haynes, Director



The Division of Program Evaluation is responsible for evaluation activities related to the implementation of the EEO and Diversity Management Programs within NIH.

Significant responsibilities include:

  • Providing leadership in the overall management of evaluations of the NIH EEO and Diversity Management Programs;
  • Assessing NIH compliance with EEO statutory, regulatory and public requirements;
  • Providing leadership and coordinating with the OEODM Director and Division Directors and EEO staff on program responsibilities and initiatives;
  • Serving as technical advisor to senior NIH management officials in the evaluation of all areas of equal opportunity, civil rights, affirmative employment, complaints management, outreach and recruitment;
  • Developing standard criteria, metrics and methodologies for EEO and diversity program evaluations;
  • Serving as the focal point for coordinating NIH, DHHS, Federal, and ad hoc requests for information related to the review and/or evaluation of EEO and related program activities; and
  • Evaluating OEODM customer feedback.

The Division of Program Evaluation Staff
Name Title Phone
John Gimperling Supervisory EEO Specialist 301.496.4627
Molly Gleeson Management Analyst 301.451.9692
Carolyn Hunter Management Analyst 301.402.3652
Deborah Graham EEO Specialist 301.402.2441
Shalethia Williams Program Assistant 301.496.0517

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The Division of Complaints Management Resolution

Photo of Selina LeeSelina Lee, Director




The Division of Complaints Management and Resolution is responsible for managing all aspects of the EEO complaints process, specifically:

  • Managing the pre-complaint process, including EEO counselor assignments, counseling, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and pre-complaint reporting requirements;
  • Managing all aspects of the formal complaints process for all NIH components, ensuring that investigations are conducted, reviewing investigative files, preparing appropriate documents, and coordinating hearing requests;
  • Serving as an advisor to the management officials, employees, and applicants related to complaints processing and case-specific requirements and procedures;
  • Serving as a liaison to the DHHS Office of the General Counsel, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, and the Merit Systems Protection Board relative to case processing under the NIH formal complaints program;
  • Coordinating all administrative matters relative to the formal complaints process, including the assignment and evaluation of reports of investigation, scheduling and logistics for hearings, discovery, mailings, and related processing;
  • Managing the appropriate data systems and record keeping and preparing necessary reports and analyses relative to the formal process, including the EEOC 462 report;
  • Overseeing operational efforts to encourage the widespread use of a fair ADR program and to evaluate the impact ADR has on the complaint processes; and
  • Providing leadership in developing NIH-wide policies and procedures and making changes to current NIH policies and procedures in the areas of discrimination complaint processing and ADR.

The DCMR Customer Service Hotline is 301.496.1551.

The Division of Complaints Management and Resolution Staff
Name Title Phone
Victor Canino Formal Team Leader 301.402.7049
Sonia Gaskin Senior EEO Specialist 301.402.3687
Michael Chew EEO Specialist 301.402.3681
Dawn Henderson EEO Assistant 301.594.3591
Janette Gabriel Pre-complaint Team Leader 301.402.7048
Jerry Garmany EEO Specialist 301.496.9100
Tyrone Banks Program Analyst 301.496.1763
Noah Duvall Program Assistant 301.496.7071
Chinara Brown Office Automation Assistant 301.402.5916

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The Division of Policy, Planning, Programs, and Diversity Management

Photo of Joan Brogan

Joan Brogan, Director



The Division of Policy, Planning, Programs, and Diversity Management serves as a consultant to NIH management in all areas of equal opportunity, civil rights, affirmative employment, corporate outreach and recruitment, special emphasis programs, and diversity management.

Significant responsibilities include:

  • Developing NIH-wide policy and reviewing other policies related to EEO and Diversity Management;
  • Planning for and developing NIH EEO Program Status Report (MD-715) for HHS, as required by EEOC;
  • Serving as focal point and coordinator for training initiatives sponsored by OEODM;
  • Managing Special Emphasis Programs and related outreach and recruitment initiatives;
  • Collaborating with IC Services Division on training and educational activities;
  • Initiating NIH Special Emphasis Programs' Annual Observances; and
  • Managing the NIH Workplace Diversity Initiative and providing advice and guidance to the NIH Diversity Council and IC Diversity Catalysts.

The Division of Policy, Planning, Programs, and Diversity Management Staff
Name Title Phone
John Miers Senior Advisor/Disability Issues 301.443.3945
Rose Wright EEO Specialist 301.496.5332
Rebecca Tudisco Branch Leader (AEP & SEPM) 301.496.3482
Rose Pruitt Federal Women's Program Manager 301.594.5157
Glenda Keen Federal Women's Program 301.496.5089
Kay Johnson-Graham Black Employment Program Manager* 301.496.3403
Jackie Dobson Program Analyst 301.496.3671
Cyrus Salazar Hispanic Employment Program Manager 301.496.1416
Carlton Coleman Disability Employment Program Manager 301.496.2906
Janet Bey EEO Assistant 301.496.1013
Sherrie Davis Branch Leader (DM & ET) 301.496.2153
Carl Lucas American Indian and Alaska Native Program Manager* 301.496.1165
Hyden Shen Asian Pacific Islander Program Manager* 301.496.9281
Gary Morin Program Analyst 301.496.4628
Gerard Roman EEO Specialist 919.541.3430
Darlene Pearson EEO Specialist 301.496.1552
Marianne Hamilton DHHS Emerging Leader 301.402.0110
Doreen Kibler Secretary 301.496.1584

*denotes collateral-duty assignment

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The Institutes and Centers Services Division

Photo of Hilda B. DixonHilda B. Dixon, Director




The Institutes and Centers Division is responsible for providing day-to-day operations and support to the NIH and ICs in the overall management of the EEO and Diversity Programs through the utilization of EEO Specialists who provide service to the ICs in all aspects of the EEO and Diversity Programs.

Significant responsibilities include:

  • Serving as an advisor to the IC management officials and employees for all EEO and Diversity Programs;
  • Serving as ex-officio members of senior level IC Search Committees, Promotion and Tenure committees/boards, IC Performance Review Boards, and other EEO-related groups;
  • Providing support for the development and implementation of NIH Affirmative Employment Plans and program activities, including IC data analyses and reporting requirements;
  • Identifying targeted recruitment needs, and assisting with IC-targeted recruitment of underrepresented minorities, women, and persons with disabilities;
  • Advising the ICs on their disability program responsibilities, including reasonable accommodation requests, Section 508 compliance, and Limited English Proficiency requirements;
  • Making recommendations, coordinating, and collaborating with ICs on their EEO and diversity training needs, coordinating training logistics and follow up;
  • Providing advice, guidance, feedback, and support to the OEODM Divisions in matters of concern related to EEO, EEO-sensitive data, and diversity issues within the ICs; and
  • Providing advice and referral for employees and managers who wish to seek additional consultation regarding their disputes or problems in the workplace.

The Institutes and Centers Services Division
Name Title Phone
Jayne Callahanhenson Chief, THE WRITE TEAM 301.496.7478
Alma McKune Program Assistant 301.496.4547
Janie Brown Program Assistant 301.402.4157
Jennifer Haley EEO Assistant 301.435.8260
Karen Basnight Chief, THE MINT TEAM 301.402.3663
Shelma Grant EEO Specialist - NCI 301.402.3663
Andre Smith EEO Specialist - CC/FIC 301.594.5095
Kimberlee Ford EEO Specialist - NINDS/NEI/NHGRI 301.496.8990
Carolyn Williams EEO Specialist - NIA/NIAMS/NIBIB 301.402.0133
Pamela Oliver EEO Specialist - NLM/NIGMS/NCRR 301.594.2751
Margarite Curtis-Farrell EEO Specialist - CIT/NCCAM/CSR 301.435.1279
Sandra King EEO Assistant 301.402.3663
Sharrell Butler Chief, ALL-STAR TEAM 301.402.3663
Mary Okwaro EEO Specialist - OD/ORS 301.496.1989
Yvonne Hefley EEO Specialist - NIAID/NIDCD 301.496.2938
Rosemary Pettis EEO Specialist - NHLBI/NIDA/NIDCR 301.443.7968
Kathy Odenwald EEO Specialist - NIEHS 919.541.2475
Virginia Ivanoff EEO Specialist - NIEHS 919.541.3675
Tina Lancaster EEO Specialist - NIDDK/NIAAA/NICHD 301.402.3663
Alfreda Layne EEO Specialist - NIMH/NINR/NCMHD 301.435.6260
Aurelio Vasquez EEO Assistant 301.594.5159

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African American History Month - Program/activity on campus commemorating African Americans' past and present contributions to America.
Date: February 14, 2005 - Place: Masur Auditorium - Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Theme: A Play About the 1001 Inventions of African American Inventors
Program Manager: Kay Johnson

Date: February 15, 2005 - Place: Natcher, Conf. Room D - Time: Noon - 1:30 pm
Open Forum - Activity on campus co-sponsored by The NIH Asian American and Pacific Islander Employment Committee (AAPIEC) and the Asian and Pacific Islander American Organization (APAO)
Featured Speakers:
Joannie Shen, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., Senior Clinical Investigator, and Commander, US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, NIAAA/NIH, who will speak on "Demystifying Stereotypes."
Howard Gadlin, Ph.D., Ombudsman, Center for Cooperative Resolution, OD/NIH, who will speak on "Getting to Know the NIH Ombudsman and Center for Cooperative Resolution."
Program Manager: Hyden Shen, Esq.


Women's History Month - Program/activity on campus commemorating women's past and present contributions. 2005 Theme: Women Change America.
Date: March 9, 2005 - Place: Natcher Auditorium - Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Ann Timmons, Communications Artist, will present a performance-to-go play titled Off the Wall: The Life and Works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
Program Manager: Rose Pruitt

Date: March 29, 2005 - Place: Stone House - Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Theme: Mentoring Seminar - Guest Speaker: Cheryl Kelley, Special Emphasis Program Manager, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland.

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We welcome your ideas and comments about how we may make our EEO News & Notes better. Please forward your input to Jayne E. Callahanhenson, Chief, The Write Team, Institutes and Centers Services Division, OEODM. Ms. Callahanhenson can be reached by telephone at 301-496-7478.

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