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Planning and Space Management Design, construction and renovation of all NIH facilities and utility systems

Funding and Budget for Construction, Alterations and Renovations

The Office of Research Facilities (ORF) must follow all federal regulations and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) policies related to the appropriate use of funds for facility projects. The primary policies and guidelines for use of funds for planning, design, construction, temporary construction, renovation, repair, maintenance, leasing and similar activities are contained in the DHHS Facilities Program Manual Section 2-1: FUNDING SOURCES FOR FACILITIES PROJECTS.

ORF continues discussion with the Department on the implementation of the new manual and on developing guidance for its use by our project officers and IC customers. 

This webpage will be updated with revised guidance as soon as it is available.  Please check back regularly.

In the interim, questions on appropriate use of funds should be directed to the ORF Chief Engineer, Tony Clifford, 301-594-0999.

Buildings and Facilities (B&F) Budget - ORF Congressional Justification

Each year, ORF provides to Congress for approval proposed budget figures covering anticipated costs for projects requiring B&F and Repairs and Improvements (R&I) funding.  This document is the ORF Congressional Justification (CJ).

The justification for ORF activities in Fiscal Year 2007 is available here.

The justification for ORF activities in Fiscal Year 2008 is available here.

Questions on the FY '09 budget should be directed to Steven Berkowitz, 301-233-1800.

This page last updated on Oct 23, 2008