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IDP - Steps of the IDP Process

STEP 1: Self-Assessment

Objective: To produce a working draft of an IDP for the employee to use as a basis for discussion with the manager.

A. The employee takes ownership of initiating the IDP process. The employee reviews prior job experience, training/education, and developmental activities. This background review provides concrete information regarding current strengths and skills. This step involves review of SF-171, OF-612, or Federal Resume, and any information about significant past training and other developmental activities.

B. The employee evaluates current job performance. This involves a review of performance with an honest assessment of weaknesses examined in prior discussions with the manager. Performance should be judged based on the required core skills and abilities, which are job and organization specific. It is useful for the employee to review performance, elements and standards, core competencies, and performance appraisals for reference. This information also provides a basis for discussion with the manager.

C. The employee drafts initial goals and researches the developmental opportunities required to reach these objectives. These may include special assignments, self-study courses, and formal training. The employee can identify learning opportunities by consulting with the WLC Career Counselor, reviewing information from local schools, colleges, and universities; and discussing training available through NIH.

STEP 2: Employee/Manager Meeting

Objective: To obtain mutual commitment between the manager and employee regarding the IDP plan.

A. The employee is responsible for arranging a meeting with his/her manager to discuss the employees needs in the context of job requirements. Topics for discussion include the employees strengths and weaknesses, current job duties and responsibilities, organizational needs, time and financial resources, and learning opportunities that the manager will actively support.

B. The manager coaches the employee, providing appropriate information about challenging assignments, career paths within the organization, the unit's mission from the manager's perspective, and a reasonable time frame in which to accomplish the objectives set forth in the IDP draft.

STEP 3: Finalization and Implementation

Objective: To actively follow through on the IDP commitment.

A. The employee makes changes and prepares the final IDP. Both employee and manager sign the IDP form indicating support of the plan. The employee keeps the original IDP and provides a copy to the manager.

B. The employee implements the development plan, submitting training requests as appropriate, actively participating in activities, and updating the manager of any changes.

STEP 4: Follow-up and Review

Objective: To make the IDP a systematic, ongoing process, which supports the career development needs of the employee.

The employee should routinely update and review the plan and meet with the manager every six (6) months to determine progress and make changes.