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Link to Plain Language Initiative
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NIH Plain Language Resource Center Government-Sponsored Training On-line Resources Private Contractors/Consultants Questions You May Want to Ask a Consultant Training Proposal
Sample Action Plan and Progress Report
Action Plan Elements Suggested Items to Include in Action Plan Suggested Actions to Document in Progress Report
  Due: January 1, 2001 Due: January 1, 2002
Provide adequate resources to implement plain language. Establish resources for implementing your Action Plan.

Document implementation of your Action Plan including staff assigned, contractors hired, and funds available.
Train all staff, as appropriate, in plain language. Establish priorities for training specialized groups of writers, such as those who prepare documents that go to the largest number of people or result in the most follow-up questions or requests. (See "NIH Training and Resources" list for training classes, consultants, on-line resources, and videotapes.) List training provided to staff to date, including types of training and who received it.
Require contractors who produce written products to do so in plain language. Provide sample contract language requiring contractors to use plain language; provide contractors with "Guidelines for Using Plain Language at NIH"; require contractors to submit examples of writing before awarding contracts, etc. Provide documentation of your requirements for contractors.
Require staff to use the "Guidelines for Using Plain Language at NIH" or their equivalent. Send a memorandum to staff requiring that they write in plain language and attach the "Guidelines." Provide a copy of a memorandum directing your staff to write in plain language.
Require controlled correspondence to be written in plain language. Have your controlled correspondence staff return documents for revision if not written in plain language; develop an EPMS plain language element for writers' performance plans. Provide a copy of your memorandum to staff informing them of this requirement; describe samples of plain language documents and any examples of cost or time savings.
Require Web sites to be written in plain language. Provide specialized training in Web site development (with focus on readability). List IC/OD Web sites written in plain language and plans for revising other sites as necessary. Describe any cost or time savings.
Participate in an awards and recognition program for plain language implementation. Submit nominations for

1) NIH Plain Language awards

2) NPR Awards

3) Internal IC or OD awards

Provide copies of nominations and any awards received for plain language efforts.
Comply with January 2002 requirement that all documents created prior to 10/98 which are still in use are rewritten in plain language.

Send a memorandum to all staff prioritizing documents to be rewritten in plain language in addition to using plain language in all new documents. Describe documents written and revised/steps being taken; include any cost or time savings.
Optional--Summarize your experience and provide any examples:
Success stories:

Print Name and Title of Person Submitting IC or OD Staff Office Date

Send to: NIH Executive Secretariat.
Questionnaire.wpd 8/8/00

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Last updated: January 16, 2003